Chef Shoes For Diabetics?

I was wondering if anyone knows of a decent kitchen shoe suitable for a diabetic? I amnised to Bork

Birkenstocks, but I am afraid that they will not be good for a diabetic?

I use MediPeds socks. They are more comfortable than any socks I have tried including the pricey nike sports socks. Not too sure about shoes. I got a pair about 5 or 6 years ago at walmart for about $40 that were specifically for diabetics. But I can’t remember the brand name.

I find new balance shoes to be cumfy for a lot of walking make sure to get a size larger than you normally would wear because they run a bit small.

I wouldn’t go with Birkenstocks for kitchen shoes. The sandal type don’t protect your feet & the clogs aren’t enough support for all the standing.

My husband, not a diabetic, bought a pair of Clark’s (Endicott) that he says are the most comfortable shoes he’s ever worn. Don’t know if they’d stand up to grease in kitchens.

For lots of walking I wear running shoes because they’re lightweight & have a lot of support & can be thrown in the washing machine.

I think diabetic shoes are a rip off.

I have been wearing this slip on boot for 3 years. I am on my 6th pair. They have different sole types take a look

I am not diabetic but have severe plantar fascitiis and pain due to a broken leg and ankle. I have worn dansko clogs for a while. Since my broken leg, I have to wear the lighter weight ones, but I wear them whenever I can and love them. I do know people complain they are heavier than they thought. I have walked miles in them. THe only other shoe I wear is a good sneaker.


I’ve had bouts of plantar fascititis–ouch! I was told no clogs & no slides when prone to this. I used to wear clogs a lot.

I would check out the Propet Maxigrip as it is designed for work in the kitchen. It is slip and oil resistant and features a removable insole. Propet is actually coming out with a slip-on version too. The great thing about Propet shoes is that the manufacturer has a 1,000 mile guarantee on their soles, or 6 months from the time of purchase.