I've had T1 for 15 years, and have always felt like my bg's shift when the weather changes. This winter it seems worse, it started 2 weeks ago, my bg's were suddenly really low, I thought it was just my cycle, made a new basal pattern and thought it was fixed. But it didn't go away, my basal seems okay, but whenever my bg's go up and I bolus it drops incredibly fast. 19 to 11 mmol/l in 25 minutes etc. Thinking back, it's right around when the temperature dropped. I'm at a loss what to do right now, it's really freaking me out. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow, but I was just wondering if this is just me?
Many folks have different basals and requirements depending on the season. We are opposite of many. I would decrease my insulin when the temp dropped and raised it again in the summer. A lot of people go low in the heat. Funny isn't it. Just test a lot and adjust your insulin accordingly.
Count me in, too. I need less insulin in the colder weather and have to test much more frequently to avoid lows.
My unscientific explanation is that when cells shiver, they need more glucose due to their activity.
Glad you're calling your doctor.
Usually basals need reduction by a sliver.
By the way, are glucose tablets available in the Netherlands at pharmacies? In what size - how many grams?
Well, I've always been good at adjusting my basals myself, but the lack of sleep due to the weird bg's was messing with my judgement. I just had a talk with the doctor, but it's more or less under control now. Cut my basals and more or less halved the amount of insulin I use to correct.
My resistance took a hit though, migraine and flu xD.
We do have glucose tablets. Just Dextro Energy from the supermarket/pharmacy or where ever. (1 roll is 47g, 14 tablets)I really wish we had tubes or jars, the packages we have are very annoying to have in your bag once opened.
It is strange, yes. Honestly I have not observed it too closely, but I have noticed I have had a few more lows during the winter than in other months.