Anyone using Aetna Insurance get a letter stating their test strips are no longer on the preferred list? How crazy is that? They pay for the Insulin Pump and the meter that comes as a package but, not the strips!!! I’m wondering if I order my strips from Medtronic if they’ll cover it through DME instead of Pharmacy? Anyone know? I sent a message to Aetna but, I’m waiting to hear from them.
Different insurance but same issue. My “no longer on the preferred list” strips are allowed and are covered because doc wrote the RX to indicate that they are necessary for the pump.
Do you know if you’ll be paying the non-preferred price even if your doc writes the letter of necessity?
You need to look at your own coverage rules. My insurance is probably not the same as yours. I have excellent coverage but pay for it!
Appeal the decision, Yes you may have to pay a bit more. But argue there is no appropriate alternative since the FDA only approved that meter with that pump. They were not approved separately.
For countor next eBay or Amazon. Great prices.
Aetna just answered my question. Apparently, I was paying the top tier all along. They said I can still purchase the strips but it will be the non preferred brand.
Glad you got an answer Sportster. I hope they are affordable, we need our strips!
100 strips on eBay 20 dollars. Insurance shouldn’t cover everything. . In line with A1C at clinic.
Through my insurance I’m getting 800 test strips for $100.
For me that is a two year supply.
For one who uses a pump, 800 strips is closer to a three or four month supply. One test a day is not an option, glad you can manage on that schedule McChesney.