Could I still be in the honeymoon phase?

Hi all,

I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer. I've been Type 1 (LADA, I think) for just over 3.5 years. I use 9.60 units of Apidra in my pump as basal + 1-2 units for lunch and dinner (each) for a total of 13-15 units a day. I am just starting to eat breakfast again (I've been IF for a while and didn't have to bolus at all until lunch), so I haven't figured my morning bolus yet, but it's around 2 units (which has brought my TDD to more like 15-17 units). I eat low carb (20-30g per day), no grains, and drink A LOT of water. I workout about 30 minutes a day Mon. to Fri. and hike/run for much longer on the weekends. I haven't (so far) had any success incorporating breakfast back into my routine, so I may go back to IF.

I am wondering, does it sound like I am still in the honeymoon phase? Can you be in the honeymoon phase after almost 4 years?

I recently went to a JDRF symposium in Burnaby, BC, and there was talk of drugs that might prolong the honeymoon phase for Type 1 Diabetics. I'll try to find the link in my notes and post it, but maybe someone here knows already? If not, any tips for prolonging the honeymoon phase?

Hi Jennifer: Welcome! Yes, the honeymoon can last 4 years or more. The way to prolong the honeymoon is tight control, which is what you are doing, so you are on the right track. It's great that you are on the pump. In the DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial), all of the adult-onset Type 1s had some remaining endogenous insulin production, according to DCCT researcher Bernie Zinman MD, and those DCCT'ers assigned to the tight control group preserved much more beta cell function than the standard control group. So you are on the right track.

After 18+ years with Type 1 diabetes, I only use about 20 units TDD, and I eat more carbs than you do (and I am not some petite skinny thing). I have always wondered if I might still make some insulin, but I have not had a recent c-peptide to see if I do. I certainly hope I do, because some remnant beta cell function means better control and lower risk of complications.

We don't know yet if the honeymoon can be prolonged forever, but let's be the ones who do it!

hi Jennifer, i have bee t1d for two years and i THINK im also still honeymooning. or something, because i am still only taking ten units of basal, eating moderate carb (with lots of exercise) and only using novorapid when i have a really carby meal with friends, this week for thanksgiving or if i want a dessert. there have been weeks or months at a time in these two years where i did have to shoot up for every meal, but then my páncreas seems to get it together again for a while. dont know.

i have no problems with breakfast right now, as i go out and run or walk with the dog afterwards and that brings things back down to target. but again, sometimes there are weeks and weeks of post brekkie highs, then back to normal.

ive read that to prolong honeymoon we need to start insulin so that the páncreas can have a bit of a rest.

My TDD for the first 10 years of my Bete's life was 15u. I started at 34 years old, I was a single parent with two small children and a small business owner. I never slept or stopped moving for more than a few hours a day. I don't think there is anything unusual about your TDD. If your achieving your goals, and your A1c is in range , it's all good........

I would also state that my carb intake in the beginning was massive when compared to today, we used food exchanges and protein was only about 20% of our diet. Another note: I did not have a BG meter for the first few years of insulin use...they where new and I could not bring myself to pay the high price....

My TDD is much higher now but I have many other medical issues that have cause insulin resistance, I cannot blame any of it on diabetes, I do not have any big medical problems that can be blamed on diabetes.

My situation is very similar to yours, T1(possibly LADA) for 2 1/2 yrs, basal currently at 7.75u Humalog on pump w/ tdd of 20-25u(I eat large meals so my boluses are higher). I exercise extensively as well, and follow the paleo diet as much as possible(never any grains either unless I want to ride the bg rollercoaster!)
I recently had a c-peptide done because I was curious too if I was still honeymooning. My basal is still low but had increased almost double since diagnosis, although my boluses and overall control remain the same. C-peptide came back at 0.1, which confirms my honeymoon may be over. The best way to prolong the honeymoon is tight control, and all of my a1cs have been in the low 5s since dx so I don't think I could have done any more to prolong it. Fortunately, I am still able to maintain my tight control w/o the help of indigenous insulin.
Its definitely possible that you are still honeymooning, but it may just seem that way due to your strict diet, exercise, etc. If I slip in any of these areas I notice it in my bgs right away. just keep doing what youre doing!