Cure for diabetes?

Has anyone else heard of this “cure” for diabetes? Evidently they have a shot that reverses everything and makes your pancreas make insulin… Im so confused!

It might refer to the research at, where they are doing research, I think using BCG, a common drug used to treat tuberculosis, that seems to have had some interesting results? It's not quite like you can go buy it. Although it's out there? I'm not quite sure about the delivery system?

If I could cure diabetes I would be the richest man in the world. Keep reading Mandy.


Like many who might be understandably skeptical, I checked out the site and have downloaded several of the PDF updates.

It looks as though they are looking to begin clinical trials (Phase II) in more depth by the end of this year, to see if they can refine the levels of administering the drug to a point where insulin receptors fire and production can be re-started.

Looks interesting! The BCG drug itself is generic and apparently not that expensive.

It's just a question of figuring out how to administer it, and under what conditions so that insulin producing cells can be re-activated in the right amounts for each individual...:D

I am cautiously optimistic that this might lead to a first-attempt phase of reversing the conditions that lead to many getting the disease in the first place...(?)


I suppose we'll hear more about it when it "hits the roof" right? As for now all we can do is hope that they are getting somewhere and live our 'normal' lives!

If you are anywhere near Boston, you can participate in the preliminary studies in the Faustman lab at Massachusetts General Hospital to determine the appropriate BCG dosage. I went with my "control" and we answered a survey and gave blood last January. I had to make the appointment about 8 months in advance. I figure it was the least I could do and my "control" and I enjoyed a mini Boston vacation too.

I have seen an article about the tuberculosis vac as well. Who knows? TB is not fun. . . But if it were to cure. . . I don’t know. . .