i seen on the news that stem cell recearch could possibly cure diabetes. my thought not with out new
pacreas. any thoughts?
I would suggest that you don’t hold your breath on that one! As cynical as it sounds, there are “rumors” abounding that it could be cured either now or in the future but it’s way too profitable for drug companies and suppliers, etc. Spooky, huh?
All I can realistically say, though, is PRAY!!
Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI
I believe anything is possible but not in our lifetime. I agree with Lois, companies make a lot of money from us. Don’t think they’ll welcome a cure anytime soon.
There are more promising treatments with a much closer horizon. I have yet to see a single proposed treatment for Type 1 based on stem cells of either the adult or embryonic type. Check out DiabeCell and also Denise Faustmann’s recent work.