I had a bit of DP again this morning. Well, what I assume is DP anyway. I mean, who knows really.
It started about 30 minutes after I woke up. Woke up at 99. Was 154 by the time I got to work. Now I’m having to delay breakfast so I can avoid hitting 250+.
Ate perfectly perfect last night, so I know it’s not leftover food effects.
Just adjusted my basal so that it’s way higher about 2 hours before I wake up.
These off weeks from my exercise program really screw with me. Normally, I have a weekday basal that adjusts for my DP plus the exercise I do in the morning (1.85u/hr, as opposed to the 0.9u/hr it is over night). It’s not perfect, and something I often still need to bolus for, but it works for the most part.
Then my other pattern I use during weekends when I sleep in (11 or 12) and don’t get DP at all. The only thing I have weekend mornings is a bit of sensitivity to carbs or something–I have to have my insulin/carb ratio adjusted for my first meal of the day.
So for now I’m concluding that I really only have DP when I wake up early, which is just one more reason mornings suck infinite ■■■.