Dawn Phenomenon Again!

I had a bit of DP again this morning. Well, what I assume is DP anyway. I mean, who knows really.

It started about 30 minutes after I woke up. Woke up at 99. Was 154 by the time I got to work. Now I’m having to delay breakfast so I can avoid hitting 250+.

Ate perfectly perfect last night, so I know it’s not leftover food effects.

Just adjusted my basal so that it’s way higher about 2 hours before I wake up.

These off weeks from my exercise program really screw with me. Normally, I have a weekday basal that adjusts for my DP plus the exercise I do in the morning (1.85u/hr, as opposed to the 0.9u/hr it is over night). It’s not perfect, and something I often still need to bolus for, but it works for the most part.

Then my other pattern I use during weekends when I sleep in (11 or 12) and don’t get DP at all. The only thing I have weekend mornings is a bit of sensitivity to carbs or something–I have to have my insulin/carb ratio adjusted for my first meal of the day.

So for now I’m concluding that I really only have DP when I wake up early, which is just one more reason mornings suck infinite ■■■.

yep, mornings do suck. I have the same thing happen to me. All I can figure is that you’re waking up before your body is ready to, so it tells the liver to release glucose to give you energy until you can give it energy (breakfast). I have to delay my breakfasts most mornings because of this. The only thing I can tell ya to do is go ahead and figure your carbs for breakfast and get that in your system as soon as you wake up. Don’t know why this works for me, but it does. I get ready and get to work in about 30 minutes, eat when I get there, and I’m good to go.