Daytime Support Group in Northern Virginia

Is there one? Anyone know one or want to be part of one?

I don’t drive in the dark, so am looking for a daytime group/ You can respond or PM me.


I help run a support group that meets once a month in NOVA at 10-noon Saturday once a month. You can PM me and I’ll send you the details on our next meeting.

Sounds interesting. What kinds of things go on at such a meeting?

What would you like to happen?

But seriously, we usually have self-led discussions for half the time and then talk about whatever the group wishes to discuss. In August we had the local Dexcom rep come talk to us. Last month, several of us attended the DiabetesUnconference so we had a discussion of our personal experiences.

ps. Unfortunately we don’t have any active members that are parents of kids with T1. We are all basically adults with T1 and T2.

pps. If you want info on other local DC groups for kids with T1 let me know.

I guess it all just depends on what types of things a support group does…never been part of any support group for anything so just not sure. Would be interested primarily in groups that help share food, and other diabetes related ideas for toddlers…maybe even “winning” strategies for dealing with BG issues, etc., (understanding that YDMV, of course.)

I guess knowing what types of things generally are discussed, or that go on, would help in knowing whether it’s something I’d be interested in being part of.

I just want to meet with others and get a feeling of community. Been having a tough time. Sometimes the perspective of other people is important.

By the way, I was diagnosed with T1 in 1962,t so you may find all kinds of support in groups like this.

There are some support groups listed by the JDRF which include some groups for parents of T1. These sorts of lists invariably have errors, my support group is not listed properly, we have not been associated with Inova and I believe the Fairfax pump group is no longer meeting.

And @Sue27 you might be interested in the DiabetesSisters meeting in Arlington.