Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Christmas is notoriously a time for over-indulgence, eating and drinking with abandon and not really worrying too much about the consequences of this once-a-year celebration, as it can all be remedied by the New Year Resolutions that are just around the corner. Last year, however, was my first with diabetes, and for the first time I had to consider carefully what I was going to eat and drink – how much I could safely handle without making myself REALLY ill, and not just a bad stomach ache and sore head the following day.

As I’m on insulin I can, in theory, just calculate the carbohydrate content of my food and drink and dose myself accordingly. However, I’d also have to consider timing of injections, so I wasn’t peaking or dropping low, and I’d also have to consider whether I really wanted to inject the amount of insulin I might need for a day of extreme over-indulgence! It’s at times like this that you really start to realise what a great asset your pancreas was – and no doubt (as in my case), completely unappreciated! So here’s my plea to Santa, for a new, fully working pancreas. Even if it only works for a day, like many Christmas gifts, it would allow me one day free of the shackles of diabetes – and that would certainly be a day to celebrate!

Dear Santa, I’m hoping that you read this list,
For I’m asking for something that lately I’ve missed,
It’s a thing called a pancreas, now I know what it’s for,
It’s something that I’d never thought of before!

I’ve got one that’s broken, and whoever would know
It was my dearest possession, and I do miss it so!
If you brought me a new one, with all working parts,
Then I could eat jellies and trifles and tarts!

I’d have roast potatoes, and parsnips as well,
But I’d lay off the sprouts (because of the smell!)
And after my turkey and cranberry sauce,
Why, then there’s the pudding – with custard of course!

And all through the day I could fill up on treats,
Like mince pies and chocolate and fruit cake and sweets!
With a lovely new pancreas I could drink lots of beer,
Till I couldn’t walk straight, but with no hypo fear!

I know that a pancreas might be hard to find,
And if you can’t get one, I won’t really mind,
Instead, leave some insulin, for my stocks might run low –
A gallon of fast-acting, and a pint of the slow!


I like… Can you add my name to that wish list ??

I love it! I hope that Santa brings you what you wish for, but if not, know that you aren’t the only one wishing for a functional pancreas!!!

If can have those elfs mass produce those pancreas for all of us, we would surely be forever grateful

Love it! Hope Santa delivers a pancreas to us all. I’ve been very good this year:) Know you all have been, too.

Oh wonderful! Love this =) Maybe we can write Santa as a community…there’s strength in numbers you know…hahaha!

wow… that made me cry… i really like that!.. i would write the same thing to santa…:slight_smile: that was awesome!

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments - glad you liked it!


I feel your pain, but I’m so glad to see you dealing with it with humor and grace. It IS a balancing act, isn’t it? Merry Christmas to you & yours … and may you always be “well-balanced”. Thanks for sharing!

i love it ! this just made my day