Dexcom G4 Platinum

Anybody have the new Dexcom G4 Platinum? I have the Dexcom 7 and have just ordered the new G4. Excited to hear some feedback!

Is anyone using the dexcom g4 CGM in Canada, being trying to find out from my insurance if I am covered and having a hard time finding out. how are people affording it?

I personally don't have the G4 but vs the 7 I've read there is a certain button on the receiver that could fall off (not sure if this has been 100% fixed but Dexcom will replace under warranty)and the bodyware is a bit bigger but the alarms are better and most importantly (and over-riding all other factors) the accuracy is improved.

I have had the G4 for over a year and have had no problems with it. Buttons or otherwise. It is more accurate than the 7 but still, for me, not as close as I would like. It is better after the first couple of days. It is a lifesaver for me during sleep.

I assume your are checking in on the Dex discussions so will stop here re info.

Im getting ready to buy a Dexcom CGM for my daughter. Are there any particulars I need to think about when ordering or talking with customer service to order?