Dexcom G5 in Canada Apple Watch question

Hi, I am new to this forum. I live in Canada and have just ordered the dexcom G5 and should receive it within a few days. Unfortunately dexcom and Apple Watch are not compatible yet in Canada. Something to do with licensing but I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to make this work? I know it would possibly work if I had a US Apple iTunes account and downloaded the app that way. Has anyone tried this? Or have another way it could work?

I would appreciate any help

Yes. I did exactly that from Europe, no credit card needed, just a fictive US address. Bear in mind that you will only be able to have mg/dl and not mmol/l (don’t know what you are using in Canada).

Thanks. Glad it works. Hmmm hadn’t thought about it being mg/dl. That would take some getting used to as we use mmol/l in Canada.

I had the same problem but it’s quite easy. Just learn the important values, e.g. 3,5 - 4 - 7,5 and 10. To get mg/dl just multiply mmol/l by 18.