DexCom G6 display devices

Can I connect my DexCom G6 to both a DexCom receiver and a Tandem t:slim X2 at the same time?

Next week, I’m having major surgery and I’d like to give the DexCom receiver to the anesthesiologist to monitor my BG during the surgery (it’s an 8-12 hour surgery). To do so, I will disconnect the CGM from my iPhone and substitute the Dex receiver, if it’s possible. I can’t have the t:slim or iPhone in the OR, but I can give the receiver to the gass-passer.

Any thoughts?

If you give only the G6 receiver, it will be fine.

The G6 transmitter can connect to one “device”, and both pump and receiver are considered devices.

A connection to one phone to transmitter is also allowed, so you could unpair your phone and pump before surgery or power them off.

Since pump and receiver are both “non phone devices”, only one of them can pair to dexcom transmitter. You should unpair on tandem pump, then pair transmitter to G6 receiver.

When I had extensive surgery in 2013, they used some robotic equipment and didn’t want to risk any potential interference, and I was required to remove transmitter (Dexcom Seven or G4).

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I run my dex6 receiver and phone app at the same time. Is there a specific reason you cannot have your pump with you? When I had surgery on my cervical vertebra it was a 6 hr procedure, and I was hooked up to my pump the whole time, and reduced basel 50%. My BG stayed within range the whole time. They did draw blood periodically to chedk, and it agreed with the dex. At that time I was only running my phone app.

You’re allowed to connect to one “medical device”, such as either a pump OR the receiver (not both at the same time). You can also connect to a secondary “personal device”, such as a phone or a watch capable of stand-alone collecting. To connect to the receiver, you’ll first have to disconnect from the t:slim and probably enter a fake transmitter number into the pump so it doesn’t try to pair with the pump again. You can only change/remove the transmitter number from the pump when your dexcom session is stopped, which will stop it on all connected devices. So you’ll need to learn to do a sensor restart, or plan on starting a new sensor after your switch over to the receiver. (Make sure you do this all with plenty of time for warmup and the sensor to settle in before surgery!) Once the current session is stopped, change the transmitter ID number to all 8’s (888888), which is the dummy code Tandem uses for troubleshooting.

After you’ve severed the t:slim connection, you can start a new sensor session with the receiver, and you’ll be in business.

I fail to understand why the receiver is allowed in the operating room and not the pump, though. They’re both medical devices with similar electronics and equal potential to be dirty, and both equally able to be sanitized. Surgeons seem to prefer diabetics run high in the OR, though I’ll never understand why. I’ve heard of a lot of happy success stories where the patient was allowed to run there pump in exercise mode, targeting the higher range satisfies the docs by preventing lows and satisfies the patient by avoiding the extreme highs. Something you may want to discuss.

I put my Dex in my abdomen, and that’s where they are going to excavating. My thought was that I would put the Dex in the back of my arm and give the receiver to the anesthesiologist to use.

I think they don’t want me on the pump because if I go downhill on bG, they wouldn’t know how to handle it.


Good advice/suggestions.

I’m pretty sure their reservation on the pump is to keep them out of the operative field - they will be cutting me from sternum to pubis and then churning around inside for hours. I’m asking them if I could put the sensor on the back of my arm, thus out of the way. I’m waiting on an OK for that from the surgeon, along with which arm to put it in to keep it away from the BP cuff.

Compounding all this is that my G6 sensor failed just now and I don’t want to replace it until I know where to put it.


Another option is inner thigh, which I use regularly with good results.

Surgeons/anesthesiologist should know what to do if a T1D goes low - give glucose. Every time I have had surgery they hang a bag of ringers lactate IV and a small bag of 5% glucose on the side if needed. I have never needed it. An hour before surgery I reduce my pump to 40 or 50%.
Does the hospital have a diabetes center? If so then ask for the PA to come in for a consult. They will review your chart, talk to the surgeon, your diabetologist, and you. they will then make a recommendation.

Anesthesiologists are also doctors, so they should know. Also the surgeon is a doctor. And there are likely nurses present.

I’ve been in a hospital where the staff seemed clueless. But you can always talk to them about what they do if….

I had a T1 diabetic anesthesiologist for my colonoscopy so try it made me feel better. We also have the same pump.