Most of this post is just me venting on a Sunday afternoon at NFL halftime so take it with a grain of salt, but if you do agree with me, I’d like to hear your opinion.
I’ve been wearing a Dexcom G6 for a couple years now and my gut feel is that their performance has gotten a lot more erratic and inconsistent and unreliable in the past year or so. I often have multiple periods during a single sensor session where it will conk out for a half hour or more, frequently several such times in a single day. A moment ago my Tandem pump honked at me and said my BG is 60 and dropping. My finger stick said 102! This is common for me! And all I was doing was sitting in my recliner watching endless halftime commercials! No exercise, no lying on my side in bed compressing the sensor, just sitting here expecting it to do its job!
Recently one sensor did that nine times in a 13 hour period! I called Dex and of course they replaced it, so they get one point partial credit for that, but that quality control is unacceptable IMO! My life depends on these things!
Anyone else have the feeling that their quality control,isn’t what it ought to be?