Hi all, I'm in the process of trying to figure out my insurance coverage for a Dexcom. When I spoke to the Dex rep today she said that Dexcom itself is not "in network" for my insurance but if I went through a supplier it would be. She referred me to Advanced Diabetes Supply. Has anyone dealt with them before? Are they reputable? and easy to work with? For those of you that have a supplier other than Dexcom, is it a hassle? And is customer support provide by the people at Dexcom or by the supplier. The Dex rep has been extremely helpful and I'm reluctant to work thru another company, but I need to get the "in network" benefits. Any insight is appreciated.
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Regardless of where you get the dex from tech support is still from dexcom. The supplier you work with will be the one to bill your insurance, they will the one you call when you need supplies. They will be the one you pay your deductible/copays to.
I too went thru a supplier. As hobbit said, tech support or any questions you have will go through Dexcom. Thionk of it this way, they are nothing more then a pharmacy for your supplies and equipment.