Sorry for using this thing again, guys, but I was wondering how your friends handled your diagnosis if you were old enough to have well established friends or how new people handle your condition.
I've got this friend. I used to consider her my best friend, but lately not so much. I guess when something tough happens, friends either rise to the occasion or disappear, but I've never heard of a friend being absolutely unsupportive. I don't know what to do. She acted interested and concerned when I first got diagnosed, but lately her ignorance or cruelty with regards to my diabetes is upsetting.
There are a few well-meaning ignorant remarks she made, such as pressuring me to drink because she got sugar-free margarita mix. I tried to explain it isn't the sugar that'll mess me up but the way alcohol will effect me, but she keeps telling me I'm just being a chicken and need to stop worrying. I don't how to communicate to her that it's scary not knowing what your body is doing. I'm not as nervous going to sleep now but in the first few months, I was scared I wouldn't wake up. She thinks I'm overreacting, but it's like she thinks diabetes is this formula that you just need to follow.
On that note, she gets made at me when I have a low or a high. We went out of town together and I overestimated the carbs in ice cream and ended up going down to 50. I was on top of it and not really afraid as I had someone with me who know my condition and had sugar to correct the low, but she kept bringing up that I shouldn't have been so "irresponsible". The same thing goes with highs. She'll tell me I shouldn't have eaten what I did and that it's really reckless and dangerous to be high even if I'm only at a high level (and by high I mean under 300) once every few days. It's like she thinks that if I know my I:C ratio it's a fixed thing and I can know for a fact what my blood sugar is doing.
The last ignorant thing that really hurt me feelings is that she gave blood and I said I wish I could go give blood right now, but she was like "Ew. Who would want your blood?" I just hate this idea of "ew". Really? Am I so gross? Plus I told her if my BG is controlled, I'm healthy enough to give blood. Then she followed that up with "but can't you transfuse diabetes?". I swear she thinks diabetes is the equivalent of HIV/AIDS.
As for the mean remarks. I'm really scared that people are going to perceive diabetes as a flaw and label me as "not worth it", but I've been trying to stay positive and treat it like a quirk. She doesn't let me, though. We went out together and she was drinking, but I wasn't. I needed to test so I asked if she could share the table we were standing by and she again responded with "Ew" and told me I should test in the bathroom. I tried to explain that I didn't want drunk people to gawk at me or to have to wait in line just to test, and she shrugged and was like "Well, that guy you've been talking to won't like you. I mean he seems to like you for some reason. You don't want him to find out you have... You know..." I almost cried. It didn't help that he did ask what I was doing and I told him point blank I was checking my blood sugar, because maybe if I act like it isn't a big deal, he wouldn't, but he ended up ditching out. Oh well. I don't want to be with him anyway.
There are so many other examples of her meanness, but I just need advice. Did any of you have any friends who were just ignorant and/or cruel? How did you deal with them? I just feel like I have to feel like a freak around her and don't want that kind of energy. It's hurtful and sad that I used to consider her my best friend. On a positive note, my roommate has been a gem. She keeps reminding me I shouldn't feel ashamed because I don't have to feel ashamed for something that's not even a big deal. I love her to death. I just wish my other friend was more supportive. Sorry for the rambling.