i wonder there is much difference between animal protein and vegetable one?
probably i eat about 100 gr nuts everyday. however i do not eat much of chicken, eggs and rarely eat red meat being small portions along with vegetables.
but i consume fish about 50 gr every two days. apart from this i eat bread a lot which contains protein as well.
and although my a1c is about 6, i get highs ( reach 200-230 levels almost every two days, sometimes even higher) my urine microalbumin levels are fine though... i have diabetes for twenty years.
as i know diabetes is the number one reason of kidney failure. so should i decrease the amount of nuts and bread? additionally since vegetables contain elements such as potassium, phospor and sodium, those elements are as harmful as protein for the kidneys?
Protein of any source does not cause diabetic kidney damage. It is only once the damage has happened that you are typically asked to limit animal protein. You also do not have to cut back on potassium or phosphorus until a renal dietitian tells you that your levels are too high and you need to cut back. It's always a good idea to cut back on sodium especially if you eat some prepared foods, but again, nothing to worry about if you don't currently have damage. All these elements do not harm the kidneys and are vital for normal body functioning. It is mainly the high glucose that will cause the damage, and that is what you need to get under control.
agree with Cora, even my endo has approved of my diet which is very high in protein (around 200gms a day), purely because my kidneys function fine, my bs is in check and it is a bit of a myth that high protein diets CAUSE kidney failure. If your kidneys are damaged, then a lot of protein make them work harder yes, but not if they function normally. As an aside, bread doesnt contain huge amounts of protein - more carbs with that one.
If you have kidney failure, there seems to be evidence that high levels of protein can accelerate your kidney decline. But it seems that a healthy kidney can handle any level of protein without damage. I would not be concerned.
And the same goes to potassium, phosphorus and sodium, when you have kidney damage, your kidney cannot remove those substances, so you may need to limit them and they may accelerate decline. But I've never seen evidence that they harm normal kidneys.
What concerns me more about overeating of certain veggies are things like phytoestrogens which can cause thyroid problems. Soy has high levels of phytoestrogens, so I limit my soy intake and try to only eat fermented soy foods.
I would have to agree with others, I have been on a high protein diet for most of my D life and have no kidney problems. Keep your BG as low as you can and reduce try to eliminate as many spikes as you can. Many doctors have told me some individuals live out there lives with BG of 250 and higher without major complications and others suffer from complications with near normal BG and most PWD's fit somewhere in between these two extreams.
A high-protein diet may worsen kidney function in people with kidney disease because your body may have trouble eliminating all the waste products of protein metabolism but there is little evidence supporting that a high protein diet will cause initial kidney damage.
It's not just our Blood Sugars that cause our Problems There are other factors that we have no control of , they just don't to tell us that and are 90 Pre meal and Fasting and 140 2 hrs after eating and 6% A1c's Normal for use to strive for?
Not really.. More like ave 70's Pre and Fasting and not more than 100 2 hrs after Meals for non Diabetics , so why not us too?
ave 120's vs 75's is a 60% increase thus That accelerates all the problems
But what would be the Cost to Get T1's and T2's to ave 75's? Monumental..
And would we get them to test 10-15x a day? And imagine Everyone getting a Pump? That cost ave of $10,000 1st yr and has to be replaced every 4-5 yrs?
They won't release the Figurs of how Few T1's have Pumps, but you can bet it's less than 30% and only the lucky few who have the Insurance to pay for them
2 Million T1's get Pumps? Cost about $15-$20 BILLION 1st yr and ave over $5 More Billion a Yr there after increase Testing to 10x a day? = 20 Million strips a Day = over 7 Billion a yr Just for 2 million People? In a National Health -HMO type Plan? Never Going to Happen
and try to get a T2 to test even 4x a day! Let alone 10x and do take whatever it takes to ave those 5% Ac's? Never Going to happen either..
Only solution? a CURE..Everything else is just a Cost to Everyone and a Major Profit to others..
I'm a T2 who tests at least 4x a day (I buy 2/3 of my test strips myself) and does whatever it takes to keep my A1C's in the 5% range. I do it because I know it works. I know it works because I came here to TuD and found out others have made it work, not because any doctor ever said it was even possible. Musichopin, I'd ditch the bread, that's really a non-essential. If you HAVE to have bread, google Julian Bakery. They have some really good, very low carb bread made out of coconut flour and other non-grain sources. They deliver it to your door via UPS or FedEx. It's expensive, but I have found that a good thing, I don't use it as something easy to fill up on. But on mornings when I don't have time to cook bacon and eggs I can smear some butter and peanut butter on it in a hurry. I've been working on the same loaf of coconut flour Paleo bread for 2 weeks now, it stays great in the refrigerator.
Great answers here. I suffered acute kidney failure two years ago due to complications from cancer surgery (also T1 for 38 yrs). While on dialysis, my phosphorous and potassium levels had to be checked each month, and I had considerable dietary limitations on fruits, dairy, etc.
I got off dialysis in Jan of this past year, and now my labs are every 3 months. As long as they remain in range, I do not need to restrict anything.
Even though I no longer need dialysis, I still have Stage 2-3 kidney disease The doctor said I could eat normal amounts of protein, and for me, at this point, BG control was most important so he didn't want me loading up on a lot of carbs.
The best thing about evaluating your situation is to ask your doctor. If need be, he can then refer you to a nutritionist for help.
You are very smart to keep asking questions. It will serve you well in the long-run.
The next question would be will it be obvious from blood tests when the kidney function starts to decrease.
Are you going to know when a high-ish protein diet does need changing?