Diabetes College Engineering Project


I am currently doing a college project on a new basal insulin treatment for diabetic patients and would like some feedback. I would appreciate it if you all could take a little time to fill out this short survey.

Survey Part 1:
[url=http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2KY2TFD]Diabetes Survey[/url]

Survey Part 2:
[url=http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Y5ZJL6D]Diabetes-2 Survey[/url]

It is in two parts with 8 multiple choice questions on each. I am sorry about splitting the survey in two parts.

This is in no intention to spam your discussion forum but I would like to know your opinion on current insulin treatments.

Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions. Also, if you know anybody who is diabetic and is willing to spend a little time to fill out a short survey, please send them the links.

Thanks for your help!

There is a faulty question on survey #2. You state that the follow are current treatments: inhaled insulin, transdermal insulin and insulin pills. None of these exist (in fact, you can’t ever make insulin pills because insulin cannot be digested). While I filled out survey #1, survey #2 is inaccurate and cannot be completed.

The posting of this survey has been approved by the TuDiabetes Administrative team.

actually, the goal of my project is to design an a polymeric insulin pill that can withstand the low gastric pH. The survey is trying to find the consumer preference for one therapy over another.

Currently, there are a few polymeric insulin pills in the FDA testing phases. I am sorry if this caused any confusion. We hope to develop a new polymer that can withstand the low pH as well as timed dosing so diabetic patients will only need to take 1 pill to satisfy their daily basal insulin needs.

Thanks for participating!

Yes, but you stated that they are current drugs and that you want me to rate the difficulty of use. I don’t know how difficult they are to use because they don’t exist!

“Please rate the following current insulin treatments based on their ease of use (with 5 being the most difficult):”

I understand that your goal is for a treatment in development, but that’s not what you asked. You should modify your question in order to gain the most accurate data.

good i was curious…

agreed, i highly doubt a insulin pill would satisfy my needs… considering what she just said. So i put that as most difficult. I’m officially confused by survey >< And for the record i use needles not pens.