Diabetes conference in Vancouver

Curious, is anyone in the Vancouver/Lower Mainland area planning on going to the Friends for Life Canada conference in August? It would be GREAT to have a sort of adult meet-up at the conference, if anyone is interested?!

I went in 2010 and went to workshops that were about controlling Type 1 (rather than about KIDS with Type 1) and found it very interesting and useful. The program this year actually looks even better than when I went!

In 2010 there were a small group of adults with Type 1 there and we eventually found one another and stuck together throughout the conference. Some parents ended up hanging out with us, too, and overall it was just really neat to be surrounded by so many people with Type 1.

The registration fee is $75, which is not bad at all for a two-day conference with meals included (of course, if you're in the Lower Mainland you don't even have to pay for a hotel room!).

Note: I have zero affiliation with this conference, I just enjoyed it last time and think it would be a great opportunity to get an adult cohort together! I know the conference organizers have been wanting feedback on how they can start making their conferences more adult Type 1 friendly, as currently they are VERY family-focused.

Hey, Jen, do you think this might be a good event for an insulin-dependent T2 in her fifties like me? I've been meaning to find an excuse to make it up to Vancouver for a while. I went to Victoria eighteen months ago and truly enjoyed it -- French-Canadian TV rocks!!! (LOL -- so says the student of French from Louisiana.)

Since you use MDI, I think you'd probably find the sessions just as useful as an adult Type 1 would. Just keep in mind the conference is *very* Type 1/family focused. (For example, all children and adults with Type 1 wear green bracelets, while everyone else wears orange.) As long as that type of thing doesn't bother you, I think you'd be fine. (If you do come, and want someone to gallivant around the city with, I'm always willing to be a tourist in my own city!)