Diabetes Hands Foundation is a 2012 Top-Rated Nonprofit!

Reviews from TuDiabetes members, the diabetes online community and our friends and colleagues have earned Diabetes Hands Foundation the distinction of Top-Rated Nonprofitby the organization GreatNonprofits! Many thanks to those of you who have reviewed us, and we invite those of you who have not to please do so!

This distinction will help us gain greater visibility, which in turn enables us to reach more people touched by diabetes and further fulfill our mission to let every person affected by diabetes know that they are not alone.

GreatNonprofits is the leading developer of tools that allow people to find, review, and share information about great – and perhaps not yet great – nonprofits. Since its founding in 2007, GreatNonprofits has grown into the leading provider of reviews and ratings of nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S.

See who else is a 2012 top-rated nonprofit!

awesome. job well done. tuD has been a life saver! i will never feel alone in this. thank you!

Quite an honor! Congratulations to everyone who made this happen.

We all knew that but I'm glad that someone on the outside has validated your (and our!) efforts!! And that we help each other!! *applause*!

Kudos to us all! Great accomplishment.