I am the only Type 1 in my entire bloodline. There is only one other Type 2 diabetic in my family. So, it's not a common thing in my genetics.
I was diagnosed at age 14. That was 12 years ago.
My brother is currently 28. He is 6'3" at 220 llbs. He has a beer belly, but eveyrthing else is muscular and thin.
He is sort of a hypochondriac so I'm going to ask you guys to see if there is anything that I can convince him to do.
He has been complaining of hypoglycemia for a few years.
One day I was tired of hearing him complain about it, so I whipped out my meter and tested him. He was at 56. (Not as low as I've seen mine, but keep in mind he's not on insulin)
So hypoglycemia actually runs in the family. My father has tested multiple times at 60 and he felt fine. I've tested him many times throughout the years and he's always around 60.
I got to test my mom only once, and she too was about 60-70.
But, a few days ago, my brother ate some pasta. Then after 2 hours after eating a huge bowl of it, he tested. He was at 140.
Isn't 140 HIGH for a normal person? I would cry with joy at the number, but isn't that uncomfortably high for someone wihout diabetes?
Is he on his way to becoming diabetic?
I asked him to call his doc to have some bloodwork done- checking for beta cells in his pancreas, etc. Especially since I'm the first generation Type 1, I figure it's more likely to happen within our generation than after.
He isn't listening to me.
If I had any way of giving this disease back, I would. And I would die if I had to watch someone that I love go through the stuff that I have to go through.