What would you call your relationship with diabetes if it were a romantic comedy made into a movie or TV show?
Here's a couple we came up with yesterday at the office.
Sleepless with Diabetes
You've Got Diabetes!
You get the idea...Add your own. ;-)
What would you call your relationship with diabetes if it were a romantic comedy made into a movie or TV show?
Here's a couple we came up with yesterday at the office.
Sleepless with Diabetes
You've Got Diabetes!
You get the idea...Add your own. ;-)
Mine would be a horror film, not a romantic comedy, and it would be called "The Bionic Woman"
night hypo:sleeping with the enemy
Forever dieting with diabetes
Dragon Rider...
The Ghosts of "Diabetes Past"
Diabetes Bites
Never Say Never (the cure)
50 Shades of D. Diabetes is everything, most of the time. Love, concern, pain. Diabetes is what it is. But emotional conflict is huge.
Not a romantic comedy but rather a coming of age comedy.
"Dazed and Confused"
Dancing with a Carb, I would fuzzy it up with porc shreds and dress it with gorgonzola bits on Marie's lite chunky blue cheese. As I romance the carbs, my green tea would flow in a beautifully lit fountain and the carbs and I would dance around it. The relationship is obviously non-divorceable and draws me into noting the carbs are succumbing to a big bully called insulin which splits into two parts, a long acting serpent which whips around, rattles menacingly and dies out in 14 hours and a short acting nymph which enters right stage, performs well for 1.5 hours then changes into an indescribable tail after that. Unfortunately, in comedic form, the nymph appears again and again thru the day, each time on the end of a pointed stick, never totally fulfilling expectations and I am left to dance again with the carb and shudder with the stick.
Dances with Wolves
Got a new one: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
Just reviewed my BG log, can you tell? ;-)
10 Things I Hate About Diabetis
Mine would end up looking like the Three Stooges, "A Plumbing We Will Go. "Curly: Hey, no wonder the water don't woik. The pipe is clogged up with wires!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOXmqQPBFeU
Or, imagine the "helicopter sequence" in Goodfellas, with the added complication of bg checks and insulin dosing thrown in (or in place of the cocaine and speed) and the "diabetes police" replacing the ever-present helicopter.
Every so often I go to the DVD player, pop in Goodfellas, and skip everything else and go straight to "Last Day as a Wiseguy" because, well, that's how I feel 90% of the time. Other 10% of the time, I'm like Curly!
What’s your number! On a sidenote don’t actually watch the movie what’s your number. A truly awful film.