Ha! Those were Funny Emily.
We need smiley’s. :o)
Mine don’t put right any misconceptions or go against any stereotypes nor was it funny at
the time. But we all laugh about it now…okay my Husband still gives me “that look” :-x…
Picture this, Cicily, 1977…sorry wrong show!
We were about 17(me & my BoyFriend(Husband now) and we both ran away from home…
together(yes, 17 is kinda old to be running but anyways…). We ended up at my Sister’s
and BIL’s home in Toronto. They Welcomed us. We were there about 3 weeks and we
were all invited to another party.
I had been tired since my Boyfriend and I had been wearing out the pavement looking
for jobs. Anyways, the party had heated up, dancing and music was Great but I hadn’t
eaten much since I was nervous(new People). There were about 18 People there.
So Ya about 2 hours after we got there, I “decided” to have a reaction…after falling to the
floor(luckily not centre stage). My BoyFriend was trying to help me(he had only seen me
in a similar situation once before…in his blue Mustang.
My youngest Brother had gone to get me some juice from the kitchen and supposedly
there was much upheaval and swearing going on. It wasn’t my BoyFriend (I couldn’t make
that man swear if my Life depended on it, even now. Believe me, I’ve tried :D).
My BoyFriend(not thinking???!!!) “decided” to stick his finger in my mouth to stop me from
bitting my tongue(“rolling eyes”). Luckily he’s one of those People who could block pain
aimed at his body…'til the emergency is over(handy…but not healthy, I’m sure).
My Brother saw the situation, knew it was too late for juice and got the corn syrup. He
knew I hated that stuff(we spent a lot of our Childhood drowned in it by Mom). 
I slowly came out of it(all sticky) and my Sister and her Friend put me to bed. My
BoyFriend’s finger throbbed for some time…days he said. He had a ton of gauze
wrapped around it??? I surprisingly didn’t break the skin, just left deeeeep tracks.
I’m not sure why but he still wanted to go out with me and about 4 years later asked
me to marry him. Crazy Guy!