Diabetic cafe

I am looking for everyone’s input here. I am starting a business plan for a mom and pop local breakfast/lunch cafe that will target diabetics as the primary customer,( and alone else who is a healthy eater). Just wondering if you had something like this in your area, would you frequent it?

Thanks for your comments.

Nice idea, marketing might be tricky given the diversity in what might be considered a diabetic diet; does it follow ADA guidelines with a fair amount of carbs or a Dr. Bernstein diet with minimal carbs?

Besides, most food marked "Diabetic" tastes like carp. Well, not really fishy, but you get the idea ;)

Marketing it as Healthy and Low Carb would probably make it more attractive to a wider range of consumers. Printing carb and calorie counts on your web site and printed menus would be a hit with the diabetic community. That's a restaurant I would gladly visit and if the food was tasty become a regular.

Good luck!

I would frequent it just to see how good the food is. Me and my husband like to experience new foods and my husband yelps about it to give feedback. . .he is not diabetic but yet we both are still able to enjoy regular foods. We just cut out things like salt and less fat into the meal.

So we cook with things like olive oil, Mrs. Dash, seasoned salt, garlic, etc to bring out the flavor of the food without having to eat things that are bland. I have since learned that everything in moderation is helpful and cutting out things like stress in your life can greatly help with managing diabetes care.

I would give it a try, and return if it was good.

It might be good to set up near a clinic or hospital so when folks have their health immediately in mind they'll stop in. Maybe have dieticians have group meetings on occasion.

Good luck!

personally yes ! I an Vegan, I seek low glycemic Vegan items .... I am a minority or a minority ... most Vegan restaurants have items full of sugar and high glycemic ingredients (not good) .... and most diabetic places are full of dairy and eggs which I avoid. I am near Portland, Oregon, USA.