Folks who don’t have it just don’t understand. Sometimes you know you’re going ballistic, but you just can’t stop it,right? Controlling your BG will help- and if it doesn’t, you may need to see somebody. We’re more prone to depression, and you may need meds for a while. Try explaining to those close to you while you’re in control- and if you start to lose it- just tell them that you’re walking away. You can thrash it out later- when you’re calmer. You’re far from alone in this, ok? Hope this helps a little- I’m here if you need to vent!
Hi Graham,
Yep. I too can relate to what everyone else has shared about depression and diabetes. I’ve been T1 for 44 years now. Keep in mind that our entire endocrine system is an incredible balancing act of chemicals. With the shortage or lack of insulin we are already out of balance and forever trying to maintain a balance that can be virtually impossible for some of us. Over the last 3 years I’ve been doing some extensive work on myself and have come to discover that my Adrenal glands were not working properly, I have an allergy to gluten (Celiac’s disease is the one most are familiar with) and that my diet was lacking in some very key vitamins/minerals. So I’ve given up the gluten - which has gotten rid of most of my body aches and pains, gotten rid of my sinus allergies, and gave me more energy as well as allowing me to drop a few pounds. I worked with an endo. on the Adrenal gland issue to which he gave me a very minor dose of steroids to help them heal. Those steroids have allowed me to wake up feeling refreshed each day, need less sleep, also help clear the fuzzy head and have helped control my asthma. The vitamins/minerals, B, C, D, E, Selinium, Chromium, Magnesium and Calcium have all become a part of my daily routine. As I said, I’ve been working on this for 3 years now and I’m happy to say I’m no longer dependent upon anti-depressants, am not ready to rip people’s heads off when I drop low and rarely have a high over 180. It’s a fine balancing act. This was my experience to overcoming the depression and I don’t recommend anybody experimenting with this stuff without working with their physician’s but it has definitely had a positive effect on my overall health, well-being and depression. You have my empathies.
depression and diebetes happen more often than you think they increased my depression medication to help control my diebetes even my phycologist didnt know this until my phycisian told her she looked on my medication and it said right on the warning that it can affect it so they reajusted my meds.every one with diebetes should be screened for depression!
I must admit that since I’ve been using chromium and vitamin tablets,I’m noticed a difference with my mood swings. The higher energy levels and the stable BG,I feel more controlled. I do still get my highs and lows.but not as intensive as before! So maybe give it a shot,it might help!
HI Graham,
I know I already replied to this once but, I find that today the depression is worse. I too feel as you do that friends and family do not understand the level of depression I have or why I have it. I know you have your family supporting you but unfortunately I have no family support. My son lives too far away to do more than call and check up on me and as I don’t want him to worry about me I tend to tell him everything is alright. Sometimes I am up beat and know this disease won’t get me down, and other times I am so low I can’t stand it. So when you figure out how to get past this let me know since I don’t know which way is up. It is not just the D that gets to me but everything else, work, money, lonilness, and bills. It just seems sometimes that D magnifys the problems we do have though. I hope you find your answers and I am actively looking for mine.; take care and be good to yourself.
Karen…life can be so tough. A lot of us have been through the same things. Please know we are here for you.
Hi Karen, I think that you are so strong! You are a women firstly, we bear alot of pain,suffering and we are the nurtures to the men in our lives.We are by nature,meant to be strong and yes, we are! Sometimes I think its OK to be sad and depressed. I think sometimes we need a “break”.Today you will wake up and go about doing your daily routine as you have been doing everyday of your life. The strength alone to continue is powerful and that reminds us of what we are infact capable of.Today WILL be better than yesterday and the day after that… We live with Diabetes and it is hard,but we survived it,everyday of our lives we survive. So chin up, today is the start of a new day and a new day brings new promises. You not alone!
Hi Karen, I had such a bad week of depression last week, I thought so much negative thoughts, I scared myself. But this week I feel much better, I guess it comes and goes also in intensity. But we need to be and stay strong for our own good. Because if we cant stay strong for ourself s then we cant expect others to stand strong for us.
I really understand when you say that you tell your son that you are doing well. Because I do that when my parents ask me. Just so that they don’t worry to much. But at the same time you want to cry for help. This sickness is sick in itself and I hate it, but I have realized that I cant get rid of it so lets keep on being stronger than this disease.
Feel free to chat with me anytime. I am in the same boat as you!!!
Hi Karen, I had such a bad week of depression last week, I thought so much negative thoughts, I scared myself. But this week I feel much better, I guess it comes and goes also in intensity. But we need to be and stay strong for our own good. Because if we cant stay strong for ourself s then we cant expect others to stand strong for us.
I really understand when you say that you tell your son that you are doing well. Because I do that when my parents ask me. Just so that they don’t worry to much. But at the same time you want to cry for help. This sickness is sick in itself and I hate it, but I have realized that I cant get rid of it so lets keep on being stronger than this disease.
Feel free to chat with me anytime. I am in the same boat as you!!!
i know it sucks having this along with other problems. I have problems with my right arm, wrist, elbow and shoulder, due to work related injuries. So while trying to figure out just what is wrong with it and get it taken care of so many things they want to give me bother my bs. I can’t take any anti inflammatory drugs due to that being what caused my type 1 D, so trying to figure out what I can take and can’t and what will help with the constant pain has been a long process. I went yesterday to a new ortho guy and he thinks that it is totally different than what the last one did. So he decided to give me a cortizone shot in the shoulder, didn’t work tho, absolutely no difference and there should have been by now. at least some indication that it was going to anywya. But, at least this guy did warn me it might up my sugar levels, more than the other guy did, and he listened to me which is better too.
Yes, yesterday was a bad day. Some days are just worse than others. Some days everything just piles up on me and I do nothing but worry about everything. Bills, money, and all that good stuff. It is a never ending cycle i think. The more I worry the more depressed I get. The more depressed the more I worry. The never ending cycle. Thanks for listening.
Karen…if you are in constant pain due to your injuries, that is probably adding to your depression. What a tough thing. It sounds as though you have insurance. Can you look into some pain management intervention and maybe a support group? Just having someone trying to help and people to commiserate with can be helpful. Of course, having another health related chore list can be depressing itself, but again, taking steps is uplifting.
Sorry to sound like I am lecturing…
Please keep checking in, both of you.
Hi Graham,
It might not be a bad idea to have your thyroid levels checked at your next endo appointment. It’s not unusual for T1s to develope thyroid autoimmune disorders. I have Graves disease and before I was diagnosed, the mood swings were intollerable. It’s more unusual for men than it is for women but it can’t hurt to check.
i have state ins. the comp doesnt want to caver any more than they have too. which is practically nothing. so they won’t approve pain management, been trying to get that but no luck so far. At least my gp takes me seriously and sent me to a different ortho guy. this guy seems real good except now he thinks it has gto do with something else entirely, instead of a strike injury that we thought he seems to think it is impingement. so we are going from there. I will try to keep you posted,
Why is everyone calling “Graham” -“Karen”? This is odd.
Looks like a Gent actually posted the above, but everyone’s referring to Graham as a 'WOMAN? Is something askew on this Page?
Graham, how long have you been diabetic? Maybe your family and friends don’t quite ‘GET IT’ yet. If you’ve had it most of your life, they probably never will GET IT and it’ll be up to you to take this in hand and control it best you can. Then at least YOU know the truth.
Got to say this Karen b/c I’m dealing with the state and Medicare too but when does the state take you seriously at all??? I know that they haven’t me for years!
Ive been a diabetic for the last 6 years, not very long considering some of the other D on TU diabetes. So some stuff is still very new for me.
Jenny…or whoever (are we truly mixed up?) Read the whole thread. Karen posted about her bad days a few comments up.
Hey Graham,
I take the FUN out of disfunctional. I deal with mood swings and anxiety every day. I take wellbutrin and prozac to try and even the chemical unbalance in my body. When my sugar has bounced from high to low my moods are very erratic. When this
happens I try to walk away, either sleep it off, or just seclude myself until I calm down. I try not to let my moods affect others, but sometimes it happens- especially when I am stressed about work, or money, or life…