This weekend I experienced a lot of HIGH numbers not sure why. I thought it was my POD, I changed it and my bg’s are still out of control. I haven’t felt this out of sink, in a very long time! On top of my HIGH bg’s I wasn’t a nice person to be around. I am sure I am not the only person who has experience DMS. I know some people get them when they are extremely low but I am the total opposite. DMS (Diabetic Mood Swings) is worse than my PMS swings.
This weekend I experienced a lot of HIGH numbers not sure why. I thought it was my POD, I changed it and my bg’s are still out of control. I haven’t felt this out of sink, in a very long time! On top of my HIGH bg’s I wasn’t a nice person to be around. I am sure I am not the only person who has experience DMS. I know some people get them when they are extremely low but I am the total opposite. DMS (Diabetic Mood Swings) is worse than my PMS swings. When I get high over 250, DMS kicks in. I was mean to my Husband yesterday; sorry if your reading this.
It’s strange how bg’s have an affect on everything, that’s why I try hard to control diabetes. I do all I can but my body does it’s on thing. I don’t know! it is driving me crazy, no change in diet or anything. I woke up this morning, fasting bg of 242; way too high. Going through this episode, seems like deja vu.
OMG! well I feel you belive me but there is nothing you can do on the moment when you feel that bad, so what do you can do is try to get as relax as possible do not allowd things or people bother you at all. Look thi is what I do all times ok, 1. if a person came to you with some situation that you at the moment do not want to listen just tell this person that you do not feel good at all and that you will talk to them back later, they will understand ok. 2. if is at work or school or just something of a regular day put it to sleep is the best thing you can do, do not get angry or mad that will make your bg higher. Belive me I been there. Find friends that live close to you and understand you that really knows what diabeties are and how you feel. And if you do not find no one just hit me I will listen ok. Take care Maria
Thanks so much for the reply. I have found someone that is using the Omnipod!! Do you like it. Did you find out what caused your high blood sugars over the weekend. Have you had trouble with the pump failing you. I am planning on starting using a pump in Dec. I have a CGM hooked up for 72 hours on Dec. 1 and will go from there. I am nervous, but kinda excited for the freedom as long as I don’t gain weight. I am trying to decide between the Metronic or the Omipod. I really don’t want the tubing, but the insertion unit and what stick on you for the Omnipod is much bigger than the Medtronic. I have active and around the lake a lot of the summer and really don’t know if I can handle the tubing on the Medtronic Units. I would love your input about the Omnipod. Have you used any other pumps. Thanks so much!