Does anyone know if diabetic teeth are suppose to be weaker than non diabetics teeth? I fell and bumped my mouth and my front tooth is as loose as can be. Can I blame this on diabetes, as in its a side effect, or do I have to tough it out myself and accept all the blame ?
Did you fall gracefully?
More like a belly flop, I would give it a 4.5 on the 10 grace scale. But I would say it was clearly a 9,9 if you count execution. I was seriously committed.
Rick Phillips
I have read that people with diabetes are more prone to gum disease (seems that bacteria love to feed on our extra glucose). So better get that wiggler checked by a dentist.
Oh it was a beautiful thing to see. A front Full gainer with a double twist right. A good yell and a nice splat. Geese it was beautiful.
Rick Phillips
Ouch Rick! I have found that my teeth have suffered since I have been dxed. For instance, I had two abscessed teeth that needed root canal and crowns. I have been told that my gums are receeding pretty badly. I, too, blame my D. But I’m taking care of it.
There used to be a great product, that I felt helped my gums, called DiabRinse…it was like salt water, but it’s not on the market anymore.
I would think an occasional salt water rinse would help the gums a bit.
Your dentist can tell a lot about the blood supply to the teeth from an x-ray, too.
Good luck - and um…maybe you should watch where you’re walking from now on! Or at least wait until you’re over a body of water to belly flop next time!
It really was a beautiful thing to watch. I was simply trying to fly , you may not know but the secret to human flight is purposefully throw yourself at the ground, (and this is the tricky part) miss.
I simply failed to miss
I was told our teeth are more sensitive. When I got my braces was advised it would be a little more sore than a non diabetic person. To me, it doesn’t make sense though.
Falling never hurts its the sudden stop that gets you. AKA rapid deceleration trauma.
Was it more of a fall or more of a unsweetened Nestea plunge into the pavement.
Unfortunately gravity is not only a good idea its a law…
Either way hope the impending dentist visit goes smoothly!!!
have you been to the dentist yet? What did they say? Since you had a trauma, I don’t think you can blame it on the d, but yes my d has caused me problems with gums. keep us in touch, there’s not enough dental discussions here.
Oh, Rick, are your teeth diabetic, too? So when were they diagnosed?
Sorry for the humor … the devil made me do it!
Lois La Rose
I went to the dentist , I now have a small brace on it, he says if it resets he can do a root canal and likely save things. If not he figures I will loose it shortly, time will tell. Right now I have htis wonderufl wire across the front of my mouth and it will remain for about six weeks.
Now, as to the circumstances. I was merely trying to fly.
You so know how humans fly ?
Well this is the way it works. First you get up high I was on the roof of my house.
Then you throw yourself with reckless abandon at the ground.
Then (this is the key part) you miss. So far I have acocmplisahed steps one and two hopefully I can get numebr 3 done pretty soon. LOL
Yes my teeth were diagnosed about two years ago. i found them laying around the pool one day and when I tested their BS , it was shockingly high. My dentist says it was as a result of weight gain and lack of exercise. No wait, he said to much exercise. LOL
It was the forward nestea plunge. I went head first into a snow bank, Unfortunately, I contained a fire hydrant. Damn, you gotta hate that.
I hope so, it may be hard on your roof if you’re up there too much!
Lois La Rose
Yeah you folks laugh now, bit wait till I miss. yeah when I miss you wont be laughing now of course.
Wait, well maybe you will I have yet to figure out how to steer. It is turn left and miss?
Maybe you and I should get together. I fall down a LOT! Maybe we can figure it out together because I always seem to miss my target … my toushie!
if we hold hands we could fly to the, well , floor.
For YEARS, people have told me my breath reeks! I’ve tried everything. (Ok, maybe TMI now). But I finally talked to an endo - and he said it is the brewery breath that is characteristic of diabetes!
Have you found anything that lessens it???
I would love to know!
Don’t attempt this at home! LOL