Oral Health

Just a heads up for everyone it dont matter what type what colour or what race you are, after 23 years of diabetes hearing about loads of complications noone has ever told me the importance of looking after your teeth and mouth.
Well now I am seeing how important it is.
As important as looking checking your eyes,heart and everything else because now at the age of 25 I have a deep fear of losing my teeth I have been diagnosed with gum disease and I am about to lose my molar on the left side.Oh there is no words to tell you about the pain and worry that comes along with it.
I have no idea what to do to improve things as well and hate the dentist (no disrespect to anyone).
please feel free to let me know if anyone has had any sort of oral treatment.

I have been taking the laser cleaning which is not covered by my dental insurance. It is 90 dollars out of pocket and I have my teeth cleaned 4 times a year. Some people it seems are more prone to plaque and I am one of them. I had deep scaling cleaning one time and that was not fun.

I also check with cold my teeth from time to time to see if I can find a root problem and then get it taken care of ASP if I find one that is suspicious.

Hello Osob,

I’m sorry to hear about this.

I used to have hypos every night. My dentist didn’t realistically expect me to get out of bed and brush, but he told me to keep a water bottle by my bed and rinse well with water after treating the hypo. But two years of this or just the more general effects of high blood sugar led to fast receding gum line.

My dentist is watching it, but it can’t really be reversed. They recommended that I use really soft brushes and angle it at the gums. It seems to help because they haven’t gotten worse in the last two years (but I also stopped having hypos every night after I went on the pump).

Dental problems plaque many diabetics. I believe that high blood sugars “feed” gum infections. I am now basically under the constant care of a periodontist. We talk about diabetes and low carb diets every time I visit. I use an oral irrigator as well as flossing and brushing, but still as you note, diabetes takes a terrible toll. I’m sorry to hear about your troubles. I have had deep scaling, oral surgery as well as bone reconstruction to deal with my problems. If my experience can help, let me know.

I have never heard of rinsing after treating a hypo, but I suppose if you treat with glucose or candy, that alone is reason to brush and rinse.

Yes, the problem was not from the hypo, but from the glucose tabs or candy eaten in bed!

Osob, thanks for bringing up this topic! I too, have had my lower left molar taken out two years ago, and then I had an implant put in the following year. It’s worked out perfectly for me, but unfortunately, the same tooth on the other side is going to meet the same fate. If you can, ask the dentist to prescribe a Valium for you for the day of the extraction, and have a friend take you there. I did not have time to do this for mine, but I sure did when I got the first part of the implant. Make sure you have some soft foods in the house because you’re not going to feel like chewing for a week or so.

Try to focus on the things that bring meaning to your life and make it worthwhile and happy, and don’t let your thoughts be occupied with demons (i.e. pain). You are on your way to a new tooth (hopefully). My dentist says having diabetes is not a big reason for failures in implants (smoking is the biggest reason).

I’ve already told you how much I like my Waterpik, and how the periodontist approves of what affect it has on my gums.

15 years ago a dentist introduced me to flossing. I had no idea what that was. It seemed to be his life mission to educate people about flossing. He said: “Flossing is way more important than brushing. If you have only time for one, go for flossing. Without flossing your teeth will fall out eventually because of gum disease.” I started flossing every couple, three days. Now I floss daily. My current dentist always comments unsolicited how healthy my gums look. I remember way back then when my aunt (non-diabetic) complained about her healthy teeth coming loose and falling out. I am either a lucky guy, or flossing helps, or both.

I think you are a lucky guy Helmut. I’ve flossed several times a day for years and I’ve never had a dentist compliment me.

My dentist is a cheerful guy. He makes appointments at 7:30 am and cleans my teeth himself. He also answers the phone in the morning until his assistant comes in. He is the only dentist that accepts my cheapo plan. I am so happy to have found him. He is not into selling me things (like crowns) that I don’t need. He is a dentist who has the welfare of his patients in mind, not obsessed with financing his next luxury car.

When I was young I dreaded the dentists… primary because of two things: I cannot take any pain killers (for any pain since I’m allergic to them) and I can only take so much anesthesia (actually, just topical…Im allergic too. So try the imagine the trauma I have during root canals and tooth extraction)…but I wasn’t blessed with good teeth since I was young (regardless of how I take care of it or nutrition). the dentist said it may be hereditary…since paternal side…they have the worst mouth and teeth problems. I had tooth caps and jackets since high school.
Like Pauly…I have my teeth checked and cleaned 4 times a year. I chew slowly and trying to do so by alternating both sides of the mouth so my molars don’t get stressed too much. (Often we have a favorite side to chew on =) ) If I don’t have the luxury of a toothbrush when out, gurgling…even with just tap water will also help. Soft bristled tooth brushes and cleaning of the tongue also helps a lot.