Did you exercise today?

1 hours of weights (legs today) an 1.5 hrs of cardio, dropped my BG 60 points…me likey

I swam for 20 minutes this morning and brought my BS down to 121 from 198! But I think it as much the cold water (our condo does not heat the pool) as the exercise. I swim every morning and walk 1/2 hr every evening.

Did Week 3 Day 1 of Couch to 5k today.

nope- I was flat out told I shouldn’t exercise until after my pump settings are settled. This is day 3 of wearing the pump.

Hope you’re enjoying your new little buddy. The calibration phase is a pain, but are you enjoying being syringe-free?

Does shoveling snow and getting my car stuck multiple times count???

I haven’t exercised in a long time. But I walk almost everywhere I go. And I walk “briskly” :slight_smile:

Welded a laptop stand for my recumbent bike during lunch and then did an hour of riding while emailing !

Yes and guaranties you a place in canadian heaven

I will swim this evening

6.6 miles run

No, I haven’t… But as soon as I get home I will. :slight_smile:

Rottie , Penny walk any minute …slowly but surely …our home hosted girl lost 3 pounds in the last 4 weeks , including fewer carbs !!..sounds human to me :slight_smile: We , hubby and I will jog along …

Not yet today, it’s only 7:30 in the morning!!! Yesterday I did 16 miles on the bike!

I actually slept in this morning. Yesterday I did my usual morning spin class then ended up going back at 6pm for a personal kick boxing class. Needless to say I was kind of wiped out. But in a good way for sure.

yep just got back from the gym :slight_smile: bg was 73 when I woke up and it’s 113 right now

I am doing this Turbo Jam, that I never-ever thought I will do… She is just too laud for me, but it works wonders n only few days, so I am actually kind of addicted to it. he he

I am doing this Turbo Jam, that I never-ever thought I will do… She is just too laud for me, but it works wonders n only few days, so I am actually kind of addicted to it. he he

Just did 30 minutes on my gazelle, not enough but it was something

lol i have to in PE at school. i get to run a mile 3 times a week. when the coach doesnt make us run, i play volleyball.