Did you exercise today?

Well…did you?

yes, i just got doing some WII fit… yeah i love it.

Yes. Walked on my treadmill, motivated by a reading of 200. After exercise, I was at 133. whew.

Hell yeah!

mii too ii love iit

Good work. I prefer exercise over bolus any day.

i did an hour of yoga. it helps me not go godzilla on people when i get mad.

indeed I did …my pump nurse claims, that I am addicted to participating with Team Diabetes Canada ; that means regular exercise …she is probably correct :slight_smile: …what a way to keep my girlish figure , ha, ha .

Not today…shame on me! I try to exercise every other day. Tomorrow I’ll be walking away the pounds.



No shame in your game Cherise just keep it moving!

“Rain or shine, sick or fine… nothing stops Mr. Peachy from exercising each and every day”. I do it as if my life depends on it. (hmmm… maybe I’m on to something here)

How did you know Olivia was one of my favorites of all time?

lol im going to exercise this evening

I try to go to the Gym at least 4 days a week. I go with my husband at 5:30am during the week and I go on Sundays for Yoga myself…I went yesterday for Yoga and we made it this morning as well…One day at at time! :o)

A little to get my blood flowin, i will be at the gym from 1-4pm today :slight_smile:

Me I’m gonna play some bball today in about half an hour :slight_smile:

Yeah thanks for all who posted so far…just trying to keep you on your toes. A lot of us can forget that exercise = medicine …it enhances our diet and insulin sensitivity and on and on and on so you HAVE to get your doses in people. It’s not just carb counting and insulin adjustment…gotta keep that butt moving.

So keep posting what you did today, everyday. Let everyone know how much fun you had and how you enjoyed getting your sweat on.

Exercise really is that important.

Just finished Day 1 of Week 2 of Couch to 5k.

Just finished a one hour spin class. That’s now 2 days in a row, which is better than I have been doing lately. Probably going to take tomorrow off, then spin again Wednesday and Friday.

Does shoveling snow count? Here, where “Up North” begins, they’ve announced that Summer will be on Tuesday this year.

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