Finally (!) exhausted the supply of Short and Mini needles I was stuck (heh heh) with for the first four years after diagnosis, and was More Than Happy to begin using Nanos because I am of thin build. But I've noticed that the Nanos seem to leak more than other needles, despite leaving them in place five or ten seconds after depressing pen plunger; this is true for both Humalog and Lantus.
Does anyone else have a similar issue? Were you able to resolve it, and how?
hi muragaki. i also started out using the short (8mm) needles at diagnosis two years ago and switched to the nanos when a cde gave me some info about them. i use novorapid and levemir pens.
i sometimes think, omg, everything that i just injected has come right out of there as soon as i took the needle out! this is usually when i inject in my arm-using the doorframe method (onehappydiabetic). but then, my numbers are normal all day and so i think, wow, musnt matter.
ive switched back to the 8mm for injecting in my legs but still use the nanos for arms and belly. im not long into the switch but havent noticed any leakage in the legs. sorry i cant help, understand your frustration of not really knowing how much of the dose actually went in.
Thanks for your input, pancreaswanted -- comforting to know the issue isn't isolated! Haven't seen affects to numbers, so won't worry much more; certainly not enough to go back to shorts or minis!