If you do, how did you think they handled Claudia Joy’s reaction to taking insulin last night, her reaction to having her friends find out about her diabetes? Is it pretty normal, are they doing us a service or blowing it?
I was pleased with last night’s show, much more than the “drama” of the week before. For me, finding out I had diabetes was not a surprise, but rather a curiosity. I ignored it for two years, did my best to not follow directions, and then did my homework…AND then got very serious. I am agreeing with the show that we all need to tell as many people as we are associated with that we are diabetics, and carry some kind of card with us, incase we can’t talk for ourselves. Claudia Joy was just lucky to have a friend to help her last night…
I actually just watched this show for the first time after hearing about last weeks Diabetic character, How saw that low blood sugar coming. I can on a certain level relate to her, but not completely I was Diagnosed very young. But I do remember not wanting to tell people in my teens that I was D. Not I tell everyone, its a part of me that I deal with everyday. And in any case, like Claudia Joy’s I would want someone around that could help… I will be watching this show all the time now…
Yes, I love the show. I think they are doing us a service. I couldn’t wait for my daughter to see the diagnosis show. I was saying, “She’s either pregnant, or diabetic!” I was only diagnosed Aug 3rd, and have had my share of emotional moments, so her emotional moments really hit me and made me cry. I wish my doctor and husband had been as sensative as Claudia Joy’s!! I want to slap her around! She’s been so rude to her husband and daughter. Good thing she doesnt have a “real world” household to deal with!
I don’t get her not wanting anyone to know, like having diabetes is something she is ashamed of. That bother’s me and doesnt seem right for someone with her intelligence. She should definately get a med id bracelet.
I wasnt surprised when I got my diagnosis being that everyone in my family of origin is diabetic. I was the last to be diagnosed. My sister has had
her toe amputated and it’s still not fully well. That was horrifying enough for me. I dont want the nasty complications if there’s anything I can do to avoid it, I’m going to do my best.
Suzanne I felt the same way. Her family is trying so hard, and then she just spats in their faces. I wish my boys would have been as helpful as hers. But I think as time goes on, or I hope that she will see that she simply must embrace it…or the shows have been for nothing as far as getting the word out.
My best friend’s brother is only in his 40’s and has only one foot left…they decided that seeing as though he had lost two toes on that foot already, it would be better and healthier for him to have his foot amputated. Other than losing my sight, that is the scariest thing for me about this disease.
I just can’t imagine not wanting to tell someone I was with that I was diabetic. I went on a trip out of town shortly after being diagnosed and told them right away, that this is what would happen, this is what they needed to do. Even my son who was only 17 at the time, had a young friend who was passed out from low blood sugars, even this young man knew what to do for his friend. I was so proud of him…but not all of us handle it the same way…and that’s why this show could be so important as far as sharing about the disease. Let’s hope it does.
I saw this show and, at first, was surprised at Claudia Joy’s tears but after I thought about it, I remembered I had cried in two coworkers offices when I told them about it. They are both diabetic so I knew they knew the issues we face. As others said, I think they are doing a good service having this in the show. They won’t do it exactly right for each of us since we all experience this differently… you know, YMMV
But all in all, I think it will help people get more info. As to her behavior, I told people but I know of others who said they don’t like to tell people as they are worried about losing jobs, etc. So I think we need to remember that we each process this in our own way.
Unless I missed an episode, I didn’t think she was mean to her husband or daughter, so not sure what people mean about that.
Yes. I love that show. I don’t think that ive missed an episode. I think that her reaction was very common. A lot of people think it’s something to hide. I also think that the reaction was based on being the “general’s wife.” You know, she was constantly concerned about the way things looked to other people because she had to set an example. Good show.
What I thought was mean to her husband and daughter were two different scenes.
Her husband wanted to be there to help/learn/support her as she injected herself. She told him she wanted her privacy and shut the door on him. (I wish my husband was even interested)
Her daughter was in the kitchen getting rid of high carb foods and making the kitchen more diabetic friendly. Claudia Joy yelled at her that it was “my kitchen” …(my daughter has been awesome and supportive in many ways)
She hurt both of their feelings yelling at them when they were both being loving/kind/supportive.
I’m not sure what to think. On one hand, well… is it me, or have you ever seen a needle pushed sideways (not at a 90 degree angle) into you to make the skin pop out like they were showing for her injections? I like that they’re showing it but…it seems a little odd to me.
I think they need to show her turmoil more. Count your blessings if you were able to come out when you were diagnosed as an adult! I and others I’ve met were not so lucky. It’s not that you’re embarrassed; it’s that people lump type 2s and 1 together (especially if you’re an adult and have a busy job when diagnosed.) I was questioned whether I could still “perform my duties” and got daily hassles from people telling me what I could and could not eat, the stories of how their relatives died and had their limbs cut off,etc. When you get lupus or MS or anything, there’s nobody playing the lupus police over you- it’s none of their business!!! With diabetes, you have lots of nosy people poking their noses in and I don’t like it. So no, I don’t go around announcing it at work. I’ve never had anyone have to help me up off the floor either, so I’ve never followed the logic that you must tell people just because you work in the same building with them.
And as the general’s wife, you are seen as a role model and a tower of strength for other military wives. You are available at all hours to help with deployment prep, homecomings, functions advice, etc. You can’t be seen as weak or vulnerable- I totally understand where she’s coming from on that part. I actually think they’re downplaying it- you’ve just had an event that shakes your self identity to the core!!!
And I was really hoping to like this show!!! Maybe I just need to see where they’re going with all this…
I have been watching this show since it started. Being the wife of a retired air force man, it has really ran pretty true to what actually happens on base. This has just thru me for a loop. My husband of 34 years and I share it all, the good and the bad. I did not nor would I ever treat my husband the way she treated hers. When you take your wedding vows, it’s in sickness and in health. When I found out I had diabetes, my husband was my rock. He has been there thru it all. I also understand that she wants to keep her illness to herself. As Sweet Fur said, she has people around her all the time, that need to see her game face on. But to treat her family that way, I don’t see it.
I love this show, but I’m a little disapointed, I’ll have to see how this unfolds.
Sweet Fur, I rather understand where you are coming from, but am just baffeled by the idea that you would be ashamed of the diagnosis. It has nothing to do with people asking questions, there are all kinds of curt remarks for the nosey ones who don’t need to know, but you sound as if you wouldn’t tell anyone about your diabetes. I guess, I
am not so much worried about people helping me, as I am about those millions of people who have it, and don’t know they have it. If people at work are hassling you about having it, that’s none of their business…and if it’s bosses, they can be brought up on charges…Diabetes is rather a hidden disease, no one can tell who has it and who doesn’t unless you wear a pump, (as the “bumps” posts have indicated) but to look at the typical Type II or type I without the pump, you wouldn’t guess. I was introduced to many people who had diabetes that I had known for years, and never knew…it wasn’t in our scope of conversation. As a general’s wife, you have a forum of women and men who look up to you, and to tell someone, is to help spread the word that it can happen to anyone…even a general’s wife.
BUT, if you don’t want people to know, that’s your business…your choice on what to do with your body. I guess I don’t understand what being diagnosed has to do with “shaken to the core” news. I was not surprised when I heard my diagnosis, but I did need some time to process the idea, and then take it by the horns and be in control of it, not it in control of me. But to each her /his own.
A coworker of mine called me the the other day and asked if I watch Army Wives. I told her I do. She went on to say, you know, watching that the other night I realized I needed to ask you if there is something I need to know or look out for with you since you’ve got diabetes!
That’s very cool, Suzanne! I think sometimes we are so absorbed in our lives with diabetes and used to talking on this forum that we forget that others around us may not even know what questions to ask. I was at a street fair with a friend recently. It was held on a block known for its restaurants so our plan to walk around awhile and then have lunch seemed fine. But it turned out most of the restaurants were closed to seated customers and only open for pre-prepared meals served on the sidewalk in front; not my choice even aside from diabetes. So we wandered up and down looking for an open restaurant while I got cranky and annoyed at the situation, the crowds, etc. My friend said later it was interesting for how to see how I was affected. I could tell people I need to eat at a certain time or I go low, but for them to see it was a lot more useful!
This past week’s show was the culmination that I was looking for in the diabetic journey of CJ. I was glad to see that they brought in the medic alert bracelets, hoping that some of my friends with diabetes would get the hint. I am seriously looking for them for Christmas presents. Also, that a young girl would get her to realize that it wasn’t a “big deal”, it was part of her life, and she had dealt with it, now CJ can deal with it, in her way, hopefully a better way. That was way cool. We’ll see where things go from now on…whether that is the end of it, or whether they take it a step further.
Last night my daughter and I went to a movie…and I needed to check my blood sugar. I told my daughter…I can just do it right here. She asked if I needed help, and then she said, you can do it like the girl in Army wives! lol…
I told her that I had been doing it that way ever since seeing the girl do it.
I learned how to take my blood sugar without taking everything out! Sounds silly, and it’s just a little thing…but I learned something too.
I guess I don’t understand the big deal about taking your bs’ in public. I know women who nurse their babies in public, discreetly covered up of course, but this is nothing like that. You are opening your glucometer pouch, putting in a strip, poking your finger, and and waiting 5 seconds…I guess I wish someone would explain to me why it’s a big deal. I’ve done it before we eat in a restaurant on my lap… No back lash there, and people saw me do it.
If we had another illness or malady, we would have other things to take care of, a wheelchair, crutches, walker, breathing tubes, etc…so why is this so much of an issue for diabetics. I say be proud you are taking care of yourself, don’t flaunt it, but be proud…some people aren’t and they are the ones I feel sorry for.