Due date/induction/what week did you give birth?

Hi everyone, this is my first post to the group although I've been following for a while. I'm 35 weeks pregnant first time, w/ T1 diabetes. My doctor said there is no reason at the moment that I should be induced but then recently I found out that I have some excess amniotic fluid. My A1c has been good (5.9)...but apparently not good enough.
Anyway, he hasn't said anything yet about inducing but he also mentioned at my last appointment that my baby boy is sitting breech.
I really have no clue what to expect but I am getting HUGE with the excess amniotic fluid and also pretty uncomfortable, I live in Israel and its still quite hot here. Also, I just plain want to know/ WHEN he is coming!!! I know I can't but please entertain my curiosity and tell me how it was with you...what week you gave birth? if you were induced?? did you have a c-section?? I'm curious to know more T1 birth stories/experiences. Thanks ladies!

As far as I know, it's standard practice in the US to deliver at 39 weeks for mothers with type 1--so you might want to ask your doctor if that is his/her policy, too.

I am pregnant with #2 now. For my first baby, I had a c-section scheduled at 39 weeks because the baby was measuring big, but I went into labor at 38 weeks, so had the c-section then. Baby was 9 lb 13 oz (even though I had had good control throughout the pregnancy) and required a short NICU stay for hypoglycemia and brief respiratory difficulties.

I'm hoping for a VBAC this time, but it all depends on the size of this baby.

Best of luck--ask lots of specific questions ahead of time so you know what to expect as much as possible. And read through some of the older discussions in this group--I think there may even be at least one about birth experiences.

I also had excess amniotic fluid with my first son. An my A1c never went above a 5.4 during the pregnancy, so don’t blame your BG control. It just happens sometimes.

My OB scheduled an induction for my due date. My water broke at 39 weeks and a day. I wound up with an emergency c-section (I wasn’t progressing AT ALL).

My OB doesn’t induce or do c-sections before 39 weeks unless there’s a medical reason to do so, such as pre-eclampsia. I was soooooo huge and ready to be done, but I did agree with her.

thanks for your answers :). I tried to look for more birth stories etc. but couldn't find anything.

The doctors estimated that baby would be huge... like a 12lb baby. so I had a C-section at 37 weeks only to find out he was 7lbs.

I tried to look for them for you, too... I know they're there, because I remember posting my birth story! But I couldn't find it either... sorry about that.

Hi! I was induced at 38 weeks but my little boy didnt want to come out! After 3 days i had an emergency caeserean, we thought he was going to be 9lb+ but he only weighed 7lb 1.5oz! Im now pregnant with baby number 2 and am going to ask for another caeserean as my birthing experience wasnt nice! Guessing from when you posted this youve had your baby,hope it went well!

I had my first at 38w (8lb11oz) and my second at 37w5d (7lb11oz) BUT I was in early labor for 3 days with both of them. I don't really think that was because of the diabetes though. My OB (I'm in the US) won't let me go past 39 weeks. My induction was actually scheduled for two days after I had my first. After hearing others talk about the induction process I'm glad I didn't need to be. I also had them both naturally.

My second was the same. They said at least 9lbs and he was 7lb11oz. A whole pound lighter than my first.

My son came on his own (no induction) via vaginal birth at 39 weeks. Best of luck to you!