Eating disorders and diabetes

I’m looking and can’t seem to find… i’m looking for an online group here or ells where… for the whole dealing with eating disorders and beaning T1…


You might find some helpful information at We Are Diabetes, which is specifically devoted to helping T1s with eating disorders:

some topics here on it

and a video of an interview we had that I thought was good

let me know if you need more, I can find more

Diabulimia Helpline is another organization that offers information, support, referrals, etc for people struggling with co-morbid diabetes and eating disorders.

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Diabulimia Awareness is an online support group run through Facebook. It’s a great place to find people who have been or are currently going through the same things you are. You will find a lot of “I know how you feel” and “Here’s what worked for me.” It’s a private group so only members can post or see posts, and nothing shows up in your friends’ newsfeed.DiabulimiaSupport