Totally unrelated again (except to you Judith). My mother remembered skinny dipping with her aunts/cousins in a small town pond one afternoon in the '40s. A nice gentleman arrived and started conversing with them... for an hour!! Of course they couldn't put more than their heads above water the entire time, nor could they be rude. Prunes!
I have *never* been skinny dipping. I've checked off a bunch of other countercultural "bucket list" things but no skinny dipping!! Not even in hot tubs!!
You're missing out :) Just don't take Junior, it might scar her for life LOL
Ah, there's *no* danger of that. I am *not* a naked person *at all*. Even before we have kids, I am dressed as soon as I'm out of bed. Come to think of it, the only naked adventure was once when I passed out, some people were coming over for New Years' Day brunch and I over-prebolused and zonked out naked in a puddle of cranberry juice in the bathroom. I sort of had the right idea w/ the juice but just didn't make it, I sort of got "short circuted" on the notion of "don't eat that, it's for brunch". Spandex (biking/ running) pants yes, naked *no*!
Ok, some honesty. I have a pool in my backyard as well as a hot tub. The police have come by a few times but nobody has actually been charged with anything. And generally, what happens at bsc's house stays at bsc's house.
The police have come by???
When I first came to California (I was 30) and unexpectedly found myself at a lake with a group who started taking off their clothes I was very shy about it. I got over it and remain a California girl at heart even though I wasn't born here. People always seem shocked on here, but we have special nude beaches that are separate so families or other people that would not be comfortable are not exposed (so to In places in isolated area where there are hot springs it kind of goes without saying. People who haven't been to a nude beach or hot spring think everyone will stare, but it's part of the culture not to do so - probably less staring than on bathing suit beaches! After awhile it just becomes natural and no big deal. What you do notice is bodies come in all shapes and sizes, which helps with self consciousness if you're not perfect (who is?)
Talk about being off-topic!!
More of topic :
As I recall ...the pools were not in use : too cold , too choppy ; I wore mittens and a toque on trip number one and watched the calving of the glaciers other words NO skinny dipping in Alaska ...Carribean different story !
Ok, now to really totally fully honest, the police did not come by because of licentious behavior, but have come by (mosty) because of noise. Including that famous time where we had a band for my daughter's 14th birthday. After her "busted" party she was famous at school.
I've always been pretty liberal and never really been bothered by all this modesty stuff. It is not such a big deal in a lot of cultures, only in the US have we got strange hangups.
I have strange hangups! Although I was in several bands in college and had several visits from the police. Then there was that time we were playing soccer with a bowling ball covered in burning newspaper and the cop drove up…burning things and violence are ok but no nudity!! Silly string, strobe lights, Black Moses…
I had one lab with 200-something, but fortunately my ratio was still good. Ratio is more telling than individual results. I refuse to take statins & think my doctor has finally given up on that discussion. He gives me an Rx, I toss it.
For every 1/10 off A1c, you get a tax-deduction:))
We do, indeed!
That's a *very* good idea about the tax deductions!!
I refused them for ages, but got scared into taking them. I'll post my ratio when I can find it, but it's waaaaay off ., funniest post ever which is saying something considering all of your posts
Have the statins helped? The statin risks scare me too much to take them & I'm not convinced they're effective.
Actually, yes. The reason my LDL shot up is probably because I started taking them every other day because I hate them so much LOL
Your secret is safe with me. I won't turn you in:)
I've told my doctor that my LDL is directly related to hypothyroidism. If he'd increase my supplementation dose to where it should be, LDL would come down.
Take more antioxidants. My LDL is and my ratio is 2.5. I have had my HDL up even higher when I was walking more. I am dead set against statins and have proven it to my endo time and again. The body will lower LDL production when internal free radical damge is lowered with the use of anti-oxidants that donate electrons to balance free radicals so they are no longer dangerous. The only Vitamin C I recommend is a form called Calcium Ascorbate because it is already buffered with calcium so it won't make the blood acidic. If that happens the body will balance the blood by pulling calcium out of bones, so by taking a type of C that already is bound to calcium that makes it pH neutral.
Good to know Janina, that's the C I take. I sure as heck don't need more calcium loss, my T score is abysmal because of chemo/radiation. Guess I can add more antioxidants, what's one more pill in a handful *sigh*.
I've never seen Oliver's Travels, but adored Alan Bates ever since I saw Women in Love as a kid. Ooo, that is a dream trip. What a fantastic journey it would be. Hope you do it! The Czar's mistress. Love to hear more of that story. My family fled Russia, though under quite different circumstances & unfortunately not to Paris.
Grateful I never encountered leeches during skinny dipping & glad I didn't even think about that possibilty.