Endo visit went great, he's very pleased with my numbers...but wants me not to push it TOO far with my A1c, because of this risks for so many hypo's. Im determined though Im going to keep my A1c around where it's at and somehow minimize the number of hypo's too. LOL said I had the best A1c of all his patients on a pump, hahahh guess a lot of people probably think its a magic fix and can eat whatever they want to. All it is is just a better delivery system, but definately NOT a magic fix.
As far as my rapid, he doesn't see the benefit of going on Apidra yet, and did some tweaking with my I/C ratio and also my target range. I was 80-100 premeals, now he has me set at 90-110. Thinks that will also help minimize hypo's.
I wanted to go on Birth control simply to minimize the wild hormone swing with ovulation...but unfortunately because of a pre breast cancer condition, the oncologist said NO BIRTH CONTROL. LOL. Crap...ok maybe a hysterectomy then.