Family & Friends Reaction To Your Lows

You sound great Wendy! I agree that is the way it should be but we all make errors etc.

It's a terrible assignment we give to our close family. "Be helpful when we need it, but not too helpful." What a terribly vague request! And we can be rude with our words or looks when we're low.

Wendy, your heart is in the right place. You husband and daughter are lucky to have you there!

Thanks again everyone for the comments! I was thinking on this and about the comments ya'll posted and it came to me that even if we had cancer for many years our loved ones would eventually have to treat it like it's just normal after awhile. It's a normal progression to be seriously concerned in the beginning and as time goes on and people are surviving and doing well that we tend to not worry or show concern like we once did. I know since being on the cgm I've complained about my highs and lows more than ever before even many times telling the cgm "I know I know now shut it". Surely our loved ones get tired of it all too. As they see us treat low after low and are fine it just seems like they're not a big deal and we can handle them.