Fashionable clothing that conceals / incorporates your pump?

i'm a 4th year fashion design student researching for my graduation line design. I am looking into designing a line of clothing for women that creatively covers and conceals the pump and infusion site.

I would be very thankful if you could help answer the questions below. any other opinions and ideas are greatly appreciated as well.

1)you are a confident women but what are some of the reasons/situations that makes you want to conceal your pump?

2)what are some of your "i wish" moments that you wanted your garment to have when you were frustrated with incorporating the pump into your outfit?
example: have you wished there was a hole on your pocket lining in your pants so you can run the infusion line in your pants through that hole to connect to the pump in your pocket? This way the infusion line will not have to be exposed outside of your pant waist to reach into the pump in your pocket.

3)Does your job require discretion and concealment of your pump? if so, what field of job do you do?

4) what is your age category? 20+, 30+, 40+ ?

5) what are some of other diabetes related items that you always personally carries on you?

6) anything else? suggestions?

I can tell you as a Mom, it is frustrating because my son carries it on the side in his pant pocket. If you consider clothes for teens, perhaps an extra pocket in pant hidden, or a fabric that can hold pump when worn on arm that won't make sleeve droop downward but will provide the hold for the weight.

1. prom or sth. formal, where the dress is fitted and often one piece, not two.
2. nothing special. pockets in a dress with a hole in the pocket would be cool, i often have trouble finding jeans or other pants with a pocket big enough for my pump.
What also is frustrating, that the jeans fabric is not so solid, so my jeans often rupture where i carry my pump. the edges of the pump just make the fabric wear out so quickly, that there are holes in my jeans always at the same spot, on the right pocket side.
3. i still go to high school, so no.
4. I'm 18 years old.
5. i wish you good luck, i think what would be great for every pump user, is that the dress or whatever is not too fitted around the legs, as you can always wear your pod or even the whole pump on your leg, with special belts. i think it would be cool to create a bra where you can hide your pump, so that it won't disturb you and can't be seen.

sorry just noticed i left out q5, and made nr 6 into 5.
i always carry with me my meter, glucotabs, and often a pen as a back up plan with some needles.

I'm on the same page as swisschocolate with the whole fitted dress thing. I really love dressing up, but tight clothing makes it impossible to conceal my pump! Also, I usually just tuck it into my sports bra when I run/workout, but it never really feels sturdy to me. So definitely a sports bra with a pocket!

A frustration I always have (not really that can be solved, but I'm venting) is when I'm out shopping and trying on clothes, I have to keep moving it around and clipping it in random places until I get changed. Anyone else have this problem? Maybe it's just me haha

Same problem over here, as i never try on clothes for more than 30 minutes, i just unhook my pump and sometimes give a small bolus afterwards. But because trying on clothes is a bit exhausting, i almost count it as exercise and dont give any bolus afterwards at all :wink:

1)some of the reasons/situations that makes me want to conceal my pump:


2)some of my "I wish" moments that I wanted my garment to have when I was frustrated with incorporating the pump into my outfit:

-I wish for a solution for trousers with no belt because I always clip my pump to my belt,
-I wish all my clothes could have some type of opening that was big enough for my pump and that this opening could be locked. This way the tubing will not so easily get hooked on door knibs etc.
-I wish for a generic solution that I still have not seen and that would give me easy access to my pump at all times and at the same time protects my pump when I´m doing all my daily duties. I used to wear my pump in a leg holster at all times, but since having an integrated CGM in my pump I need easy access to it. The leg holster solved all my problems when I only needed my pump for boluses.

3)Does your job require discretion and concealment of your pump?


4) My age category:


5) other diabetes related items that I always carry with me:

meter and a bottle of regular soda for lows

1. When I am going to work for the first time or applying for a job. Or when I am around people that don't know I have diabetes and that I know are not very understand when it comes to medical conditions.
2. The hole in the pocket lining is something that I wish came in some of my clothes. Currently in my dresses with pockets, I cut a who and sew a circle around it so that the material doesn't fray.
3. I am a student but I work in the ski industry. I do not conceal my pump unless I am meeting someone new and feel I will be unjustly judged for my diabetes. I feel this is especially pertinent in the sports industry because many people who are not educated about diabetes may believe that I have diabetes do to a lack of exercise. This belief may lead to troubles in my job.
4. 20+, I am 22
5. Glucose, BG meter, strips and pricker.

6) Fabrics that are clingy show everything. Infusion set, tubing (if they are somewhere below the clingy clothes) and of course, the pump. Maybe some clothes in fabrics that are flattering but a bit stiffer or heavier? Down with bumps!

1)you are a confident women but what are some of the reasons/situations that makes you want to conceal your pump?
Job interviews. I don't want to be judged on malfunctioning beta cells and ignorance.
Going to the grocery store. I don't like it when little kids tug on my tubing.

2)what are some of your "i wish" moments that you wanted your garment to have when you were frustrated with incorporating the pump into your outfit?
example: have you wished there was a hole on your pocket lining in your pants so you can run the infusion line in your pants through that hole to connect to the pump in your pocket? This way the infusion line will not have to be exposed outside of your pant waist to reach into the pump in your pocket.

All women's "short" sleeves are too short. They need to be long enough to cover arm sites. I've noticed this problem, mostly at the stores, when little kids think you have a suction cup on your arm and try to yank it off you. Covering it up makes this a non-issue.
When I've worn fancy dresses (wedding day, music performances), it is always a pain to have to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom to reach into your bra to bolus or suspend or deal with a pump. Having a meter remote makes life much nicer for those occasions, but it's still awkward having a pump poke into your boob, sliding out of your bra and notifying the world that you have something in your bra other than boobs. So, I'd want more dresses and skirts that have pockets built in, where the garment conceals that there are even pockets there. This would also be useful for phones, meters, and glucose tabs.
Also, women's pants pockets need to be able to hold more than a nickle. I'm tired of my pump squirting out and then dangling, awkwardly, by the tubing.

3)Does your job require discretion and concealment of your pump? if so, what field of job do you do?

Require? No. I'm not currently employed, but every job I've had has never required me to conceal my medical equipment. It it, however, highly recommended, since most of the people I've worked with happen to believe a random website on the internet more than a text book. I'm an Engineer (in training), but I've also worked in all those fun jobs that teens tend to have (fast food, baby sitting).

4) what is your age category? 20+, 30+, 40+ ?

5) what are some of other diabetes related items that you always personally carries on you?
CGMS, meter (and lancing device and test strips), glucose tabs

6) anything else? suggestions?
I know that Hanky Pancreas has some scarfs and neat things, but there needs to be more stuff out there for business formal and for the not super frilly types.

1you are a confident women but what are some of the reasons/situations that makes you want to conceal your pump>
I conceal when I wear dresses, which is often . I like "girly girl" looks, even at 58, lol
<2)what are some of your "i wish" moments that you wanted your garment to have when you were frustrated with incorporating the pump into your outfit?
example: have you wished there was a hole on your pocket lining in your pants so you can run the infusion line in your pants through that hole to connect to the pump in your pocket? This way the infusion line will not have to be exposed outside of your pant waist to reach into the pump in your pocket.
sure a little hole would be nice. but I just tuck the tubing into the front or sides of the pants, no biggie

3)Does your job require discretion and concealment of your pump? if so, what field of job do you do?

I am a semi-retired part-time speech pathologist who works with children who have special needs. When I work with brand new kids, depending on their level, I try to initially conceal it. They will eventually see it, but even my most cognitively challenged kids can be educated not to touch it. Part of their social skills training is to learn not to invade others personal space. I have taught 2 year olds not to touch my pump or tubing.

<4) what is your age category? 20+, 30+, 40+ ? I am 58

5) what are some of other diabetes related items that you always personally carry on you?

I always have a glucometer and glucose tabs ( smarties/skittles). I keep them in my purse or in a small fanny back when exercising or biking. May get a spibelt>

anything else? suggestions?

I would love to find a leg holster that stretches big enough for my muscular thighs and/or calves. Never have found one that was big enough. When I wear skirts and dresses, I stick my pump in my bra, which is underwire padded ( yes TMI, lol I know), taking the clip off and putting it in a baby sock and safety pinned in, for tight, slinky tops or fitted bodices can be .Ok in the bra with the clip with regular, looser tops. that is actually where I wear the pump 100% of the time when I have on my well-loved skirts and dresses.
The problem is this: I may or not want to "dig it out" to check the CGM or remote bolus at a formal banquet or around strangers, or in similar situations. I am not particularly discreet about reaching in my bosom to get it around friends or family, they Know what I have to do before I eat.
Yet,sometimes even I, surprise, surprise, follow some decorum about diabetes self-management. About the remote:I cannot get precise enough dosing for unknown foods without the bolus wizard, so though it is discreet, I choose not use the remote because I cannot enter my carbs,, at least with the one I have. Kind of like blind bolussing isn't it? I have only tried the first pump remote two or three times , which I still have. Ditched using it for the reason above. Not precise enough in the settings I need for it to be precise
I may put my pump on the waist band of a skirt or pants, not seen under a business suit jacket, or any longer suit jacket,. Not trying to hide it due to diabetes "embarrassment" with newly met co-workers, associates, etc. I tell them anyway, after I meet them if II am going to be working with them for a while.., I just do not like the "look" of my pump in initial formal or business settings . I wear it exposed almost all the times when I am wearing casual pants or jeans.... However I may or not want to "dig it out" to check the CGM or remote bolus at a formal banquet or the like. I am not particularly discreet about reaching in y bosom to get it around friends or family, they now what I have to do before I eat.. I cannot get precise enough dosing for unknown foods without the bolus wizard, so though it is discreet, I choose not use the remote because I cannot enter my carbs,, at least with the one I have. Kind of like blind bolussing isn't it? I have never tried the first pump remote , which I still have.

God bless,

The Weave Sleeve from Hanky Pancreas was new to me. At You Tube here.

1. Prom/formal dresses and parties where I like to wear bodycon dresses, wearing a crop top with jeans and being able to see the pump.
2. High-waisted jeans that do not hit the point on my stomach where I wear my omnipod... and a small cute purse that mimicks the inside of an omnipod pdm case.
3. No. I am a student.
4. 18. College student.
5. Omnipod controller pouch w/strips, sugar tabs, an extra granola bar.

1)you are a confident women but what are some of the reasons/situations that makes you want to conceal your pump?

I work with kids, so I always make sure my pump is secure and my tubing tucked in so they don't tug on it. Don't really try to conceal my pump, the tubing more.

2)what are some of your "i wish" moments that you wanted your garment to have when you were frustrated with incorporating the pump into your outfit?
example: have you wished there was a hole on your pocket lining in your pants so you can run the infusion line in your pants through that hole to connect to the pump in your pocket? This way the infusion line will not have to be exposed outside of your pant waist to reach into the pump in your pocket.

Just pajamas, currently I wear my spibelt to bed or tuck my pump into my tank top with built in sports bra. I need to come up with something better

I never wear my pump in my pocket, because it feels like it's getting squashed when I sit down. I wear a spibelt, belt clips, in a tank or a leather pocket belt.

I think it would be cool to have some workout gear with zipper pockets for the pump
& some dextabs. Something where the pump wouldn't bounce around either.

3)Does your job require discretion and concealment of your pump? if so, what field of job do you do?


4) what is your age category? 20+, 30+, 40+ ?


5) what are some of other diabetes related items that you always personally carries on you?

Glucometer, Dextabs, candy/fruit snacks, back-up pump & glucometer supplies

6) anything else? suggestions?

  1. Prom/formal dresses and parties where I like to wear bodycon dresses, wearing a crop top with jeans and being able to see the pump.

I also like bodycon bandage dresses, but I think i will choose wear a club dresses and high heels

for me Yoga, clothing,.

If I wore a bodycon dress, I’d be arrested as a public eyesore. 15 years ago, I would have looked hot! Very hot…