I am supposed to get bloodwork done, and was planning on doing it today. In the morning, though, I was a bit low and had one packet of rockets candies to get back on track. that was 4 hours ago, and I’m wondering if I should go to get it done or if I should wait till tomorrow. I don’t think something that small would be such a big deal, but I’m not sure.
I’d say wait. Even black coffee can mess up bloodwork so I think to be safe you should wait until tomorrow. You could always call the lab and ask the staff, depending on what you are having done, it may not mess anything up.
Agree with Devon here anything can cause it to go up. Take a snack with you so you can eat it right after you give blood. That’s what my dr tells me to do.
And yes I do it.
yeah makes sense… I will wait till tomorrow. I’m just a bit worried because I’ve been having odd lows a bit lately so I hope I can get a good 10 hour fast in without needing sugar. I should have mentioned the bloodwork is for my endo… basically hba1c, fasting blood glucose, tsh, creatine, lipid assessment, albumin and cbc
Of the blood tests you mentioned, the only things affected by your rockets are fasting blood sugar and lipids. I have to ask, what exactly will a fasting blood sugar tell your doctor when you are a T1? If you test your blood sugar now and you exactly corrected your low then your fasting blood sugar will look “perfect.” On the other hand, eating carbs can affect your triglycerides. Excess circulating glucose is converted by your liver to triglycerides. But if you ate just a single roll of rockets (also called smarties), and you only went up to like 100 mg/dl, you probably had virtually no effect.
So that’s my input, it is your call.
The lab I go to, questioned what type of gum I was chewing, because if it wasn’t sugarfree, it would affect the test… !?! So, to be on the safe side, it’s probably better to wait… do the fasting test… and show up with bad breath. lol