"No one, regardless of type, is responsible for causing their own diabetes. "
Really ?
Is that why it's becoming an epidemic in this country.. and the correlation between T2 diabetes and obesity have absolutely no relationship ?
ps. we were being supportive to the original poster, which adheres to the "values".
First let me say thank you to everyone that responded for giving me the support that I VERY much needed. It's was great to see that I'm not alone in my frustration.
Secondly, to the TUDiabetes Administration, there is a reason that I posted this on the Parents of kids with TYPE 1 board and NOT a type 2 board. I was not trying to anger anyone with type 2, I was just looking for somewhere to open up and share my feelings. You may or may not be a parent of a child with type 1. Hopefully you have never experienced the pain of having a child be diagnosed with this terrible disease and then been faced with the day to day aggravation of dealing with the massive amounts of misinformation and lack of education there is floating around about type 1 but as you can see from the responses I received a lot of us on this board have. It's a very lonely place to be. So please, before you start to misinterpret my intentions and point your finger at me, take a step back and consider what this post really was. A lonely, frustrated mother who needed to share with others that are going through the same thing as me.
Thank YOU for educating me with the fact that if my thoughts/posts are not PC and so sugar coated that they will not offend anyone that I should just keep them to myself. It makes me sad that I have lost one of the few places that I thought I could open up and share my true feelings and fears.