Finger Pricks

Hi! I was just wondering if any of you take special care of your fingers. I'm getting a lot of callouses due to all the pricks. I still have a little space but I'm using number 5 on the lance device. Luckily, I just changed meters and the new Freestyle needs much less blood.

In France, they tell us not to use the pointer finger or the thumb. What about you?

Do you put on a lot of hand cream or something else? Help! Pricking callouses is very painful. Thanks.

I think the Person on here(sorry, I forgot) who suggested that I had a callous on my left thumb was correct. I stopped using the middle of my thumb for a while and it disappeared.

I have had Diabetes Type 1 for 52 years, so yes I use all my fingers and thumbs. Wish i had a few more. :)

I file my fingers if rough then I usually wet my finger tips at night and put vasaline on them which helps them a lot.
I rotate my fingers and thumbs, sides/tips/middles. I test 8-10 times a day normally.

Needing less blood is welcome.

I use all my fingers except thumbs and just rotate a lot. I play guitar (not as much as I used to but I still get in a few sessions/ week!) so my fingers are pretty tough anyway but I just blast through it with the biggest setting.

I use my forearms as location for alternate site testing. It is much less painful - I test an average of 8 times a day. I believe the Freestyle is cleared for alternate site.

I use all except the thumbs; I never heard not to but it would just be awkward. I also have calluses and little black dots (whatever those are!). I try to rotate to whichever finger feels less used, and different areas and I also use could lotions or salves on a regular basis.

I'm going to try that tonight.

Gotcha! I should start up guitar that way my fingers would get even more callused and maybe hurt less? haha

How accurate are the alternate sites? Have you compared the results?

Here, they say that it is better not to use the pointer finger and the thumb because (horrid) if you get an infection and have to cut off one of your fingers it's always nice to keep these two to grab things. I'm laughing as I write this but it's true!

I rotate too but it has been a problem lately. Any particular lotions or salves that you use?

Calloused areas are so inconvenient because I have to press the poker down deeper or increase the setting vs less calloused areas. It is surprising to have the lancet bounce off the skin. After 8 years I've used all fingers.

Yes, I have but if I tell you please believe me when I say that I do not have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. (My Ph.D is in analytical chemistry).

Experiments conducted:
1 Multiple, sequential tests on same blood drop - results within the meter error range)
2 Multiple drops at same time including same arm, different arms, arm and finger - results within the error range.
3 All of the above with different meters - much wider variance
4 Arm stick at same time as blood drawn for an A1c - results with 4 mg/dl, which means that it was likely random chance not really proof.

These were all "sanity checks" and not adequate as real science. However, they did give me confidence.

As I understand it, the "accuracy" claim for finger sticks is based on two factors. The prevailing belief is that the blood flow in the fingers is faster than that in other areas. Hence, if your BG were changing rapidly it would be better to use the finger. The other factor is that the original testing and the biggest block of data is on the finger testing site.

One last soapbox paragraph - The FDA clearance standard is +/- 20% of "true" BG. Some manufacturers struggle to make strips that consistently meet that standard. (FDA does not monitor). So to use the term "accurate" with respect to most BG meters is nonsense. They serve very well as semi-quantitative trend indicators. The more you test, the more confidence you have.

HTH - BTW I am MDI and get A1c's of 6.5,6.0,6.6 (last 3 quarters) with this methodology.

WOW! I have never tried it on my arm afraid it wasn't reliable. Where on your arm do you do it? I have a shield for the Freestyle that is for the arm or other places(?)

I've been really in a rage- I'm not sure I'm right but according to my Contour Link averages I should have a A1c of 6.4. That is how I correct and give my insulin anyway but my real A1c is 7.3. Funny thing though- the contour link and Freestyle give EVERY TIME about 15% difference.(over 2 weeks) AND the difference between 6.4 and 7.3 is 15%. I don't know if you understand what I want to say but hopefully with the Freestyle my A1c will be really improving. Because I will be able to give the right corrections and the right insulin for meals.

That's an important difference for me. I was 8 and 7.8 not so long ago. I discovered TuDiabetes and some very instructive books and I know I'm getting better.

I know that is not really a scientific experiment. I do hope to do better< Congratulation Beechbeard on your results. Thanks for your comments.

I test anywhere on the top of my forearms from the wrist to the elbow. There is a lot of real estate there but I move the test location every time. I use a Multiclix device and it also has the alternate site shield. I test at a 5 setting.

Until last year my experience with test values and A1c was very similar to yours. Then I picked up a hint here about standard deviation. When I started testing more frequently, I discovered that I had tuned my regimen such that I had good values at my standard pre-meal test times but had significant "humps" between tests. Once I knew that was going on, I began testing 8-10 times a day and experimenting with diet. The key for me was carbs, particularly refined wheat products. By going ultra-low carb, the longer time it takes my body to metabolize the proteins and the fats greatly helped reduce my carb spikes - even at the same calorie load.

As always, I am an n of 1 - this may not apply to you.

I was told at the hospital not to use alcohol ever because that will dry your skin out and cause callouses, just wash hands in mild soap and warm water. I use the one touch ultra softest lancets and device which are good- this is much easier on your fingers/skin. I also moisturize my hands and fingers every time I wash them or test etc. I use special balm I make and other super moisturizers too. I do have some mini calloused areas but not to0 bad. I also try to switch fingers and areas as much as possible and use the side as much as possible. Heating your hands with water helps a lot to soften the skin too but you have to moisturize directly after each time.

Another thing you can try is hot wax treatments on your hands and fingers. I used to do that for pain and it really softens the skin.

ps. my balm is made with beeswax, coconut oil, olive oil and vitamin e t50. no preservatives, all natural. I sell it at my website if you want to try some :)

Hi Meee - I don't think your PS is allowed under TuD's rules.

hiya. my cde told me to just use the sides of my fingertips, not the centre, cuz it would hurt more, so i just use the sides. i was gettin a bit sore and calloused and read a thread here by somebody who rotated her fingers every day to avoid soreness. this is working for me, not so calloused anymore. i gave up on my thumbs a while back, as they are cheap with the blood samples.
right now i think ive got some carpal tunnel numbness is my right hand, so ive done all the tests for the last week on my middle finger and i dont feel a thing-silver linings...

ok Maury, sorry about that, just disregard that Mari :) I recommend using some type of moisturizer directly after washing bathing etc. I have done that for years and I have really beautiful skin, people always tell me that :) Our fingers do take a beating so we need to take really good care of them too. In spite of everything I do, some days my fingers do feel sore but this helps me a lot.

hmm. I'm going to try my arms again, I think I did that once when I was first diagnosed maybe but I couldn't get any blood out.

Sounds delicious!! lol(Love to look at your site) Maybe you can send me the address by email. Are we allowed to give our emails?

Thanks for the good suggestions. I know I don't take good care of my hands or skin.


thanks. I do test about 10 times a day and have 50-100 carbs, usually around 70. I'm going to get there though- determination. I'll consider what you said.