
My mom, oldest brother, and I will be flying to Ecuador in the beginning of February. We’re taking two flights to get there and two to get back. We are doing a 10 day mission trip with a group of 10 through local youth ministry that we’re involved with. I have flown once (2 years ago), but was wondering what has changed and what tips you have for me.

I already have a letter from my endo and will be translating it into Spanish with the help of a teacher. I know to take lots of supplies even things I wouldn’t normally need.

Honestly, I have not had any problems with flying and being a diabetic. I always assume that the airport security people will give me grief about taking my insulin pens on board, but they never have. In my carry on: 2-3 times more needles, strips, swabs, etc than I need, as well as my insulin. I never check that. That said, I would think the confinement of the long flight and possibly needing snacks for on the way if levels drop aren’t a bad idea. But you probably know this. Good luck on your trip!

Here are a couple useful discussions on this topic:
Overseas travel
Leaving on a jet plane

Have a great trip!! Please come back and tell us all about it :slight_smile:

My church is going there in June. Let me know how things went with security.

Just remember that many thousands of people go through any given airport every day, so airport security personnel have seen plenty of diabetic supplies and know the score. :slight_smile: