For the ladies; hormone therapy

Are there any women who are taking or have investigated taking hormones for menopause symptoms? Was your Doctor OK with it? I’ve heard it may add a risk of heart problems. I’m not really at high risk other than what’s from the Diabetes. Well controlled, exercise, run, low weight, good A1c’s. When I’ve asked both my family physician and ObGyn they both hesitated and basically said “no” but I have to do something so I can sleep!! I’ve heard pro’s and con’s to taking them but I’m really not sure what to do. Anyone have any experience with this! Thanks.

Sounds like you’ve got them worse than me. Have you seen a Doctor about it yet? Your A1c’s are great! My A1c is good 5-6’s but yours sound very low considering you’re diabetic. I wouldn’t worry about hormones raising it, you have some breathing room for that. And what about this bioidentical stuff!?
My biggest complaint is I can’t sleep at all. I get so tired I hurt! but when I try and lay down in bed I just about go crazy! Never fails, no matter what time, I have a hot flash the minute I lay down and then it’s just restlessness. Does anyone have problems with their legs? Mine ache and I can’t stop moving them. Is this a problem diabetics have? Do I have restless leg syndrome (great)?
I spoke with a friend whose Gyn. worked on the study that has put the spot light on the question of heart and she said the study was flawed. Everyone in the study was already at risk of heart disease. As long as you aren’t pre disposed to heart conditions you should be fine. My friend is on the lowest dose, just enough to kill the hot flashes and doesn’t plan on staying on them for long.
I don’t have a lot of high risk factors, Father did die mid 70’s with a stroke and I have the D. I think I might go see this other Doctor and see what she says.

I had a hysterectomy in 1967, age 37-38, & immediately went on Premarin.
Problem is, no one will give you that if you have your uterus.
I’m in my 80s now, and all I hear is that estrogen is keeping me tall and my bones great, but my readings in professional literature indicate that it may soften my memory eventually sooner than I may want. Given that i still take continued education in my profession, I’m not really worried.
Estrogen does not affect my A1cs which stay either high 5s or low 6s.
there is a preparation they can give you, not Premarin.
My experience is that physicians basically say “no”, but with problems such as yours, you should look til you find someone who listens. I remember not sleeping (something that only causes one to have higher sugars).
And the hot flashes are still with me when I try to cut out the estrogen.

My friend told me you can just take estrogen, not the whole package. I wonder how that works.

Found this website

I would say to be cautious about promoting this website. It says, “Using Hormone Replacement Therapy can increase the chances of developing diabetes.” Since that is factually incorrect about Type 1 diabetes, what else are they wrong about?

Yea, noticed that. Most of the info always refer to T2 never T1, we’re the forgotten ones. Haven’t come across that info anywhere else. I’ve decided there’s way too much info right and wrong, out there,
found this:
And this one!
It’s enough to drive a person crazy if the hot flashed don’t!

I looked into HRT, but decided against it because it scared me. Have two friends with breast cancer who never should have been given hormone replacement because they had markers for cancer. Guess most doctors don’t DNA screen for this first.

I use meditation tapes at night that help with night restlessness. I’ve not had restless legs–sorry about that.

Full disclosure, I work for this website, but, we really busted our butts to develop this article so I hope it’s useful to you. It pretty much summarizes what’s known about HRT (bioidentical and synthetic), herbal remedies, and risk factors in menopause. The ultimate finding seems to be that it really matters when you start the hormones in relation to menopause - if you start them right after you pass the milestone, you’re less likely to have certain health issues than if you start them 1, 5, or 10 years later. We have to update this puppy every week with new references and findings (or at least that’s how it seems) so it’s about as up-to-the-minute as you could want. Enjoy!…

OK, here’s one I like and believe from the Mayo Clinic.

Judith, you are the kindest & sweetest person.

Thanks, Emmy! Great info.

I used hormone patches for menopause hot flashes. This was before I was diagnoised with pre-diabetes. Being unable to sleep is miserable. I stopped using them about 6 months before I was diagnoised with pre-d. I used the patches for only 1 1/2 years to get me over the worse part. I had 3 or 4 flashes an hour. Talk about misery. I still get hot flashes but the number per day is now in the tolerable range. I see nothing wrong with using hormones to keep one’s sanity.

I am a male and wanted to try hormone replacement therapy when my GP sang an ode of praise for the concept for the female. So I said Doc how about for me . He said bad medecin, harmful, toxic and on and on. I said nature is usually symetrical “what is good for the goose should be good for the gander.” That may him stop and ponder all of this.

How horrible!