Freestyle Navigator Vs. Dexcom Seven Plus?

How long do the sensors last on each and do they remain accurate to the end ?

Yes, I’ve found they’re accurate to the end. And when they’re not, Abbott has a replacement to me within 2 days. They have always shown me great customer service, though I have heard mixed reviews from people.

Personally, I wear it for just the 5 days because I have sensitive skin that gets irritated if I extend the sensors, but I’ve re-started a sensor three times and had it be accurate to 10 days.

For some the greater range of Nav is a real plus. Seems like you can’t go wrong either way.

As far as your doc, I’m stunned at his/her irresponsibility. People take the opinions of doctors very seriously and you are being strongly influenced in your choices simply because the software puts him/her off. This a person who got through medical school?

What do you mean by the greater range ?
Has DexCom been around for awhile ?
I’m guessing the prices are about the same for both ?

She is a good doctor. I think she just had some bad experiences with dexcom. She is really pushing me for the navigator.

Another happy Dexcom Seven user here. It has helped me keep my H1cs below 5.5 for five years-plus. I love the new Seven software and the tools it gives you to analyze your performance. I typically get 14 days out of each sensor by simply restarting the sensor after 7 days. It can be restarted again after 14 days, but unless you have a very stable glucose level the accuracy begins to suffer at that point. The Dexcom tech support has been so outstanding that I have been prompted to write to the company president applauding the support staff (I am a grumpy old geezer and don’t often write congratulatory letters.) From what I read in the forums that’s not necessarily the case with other vendors.

Wow, Monica. I’m sorry you had all those issues with it! I live in Texas (where it’s crazy hot) and have not had the issues you describe, but I can imagine.

I agree with you that the Dex mesh tape is a better adhesive. I usually have to add a strip of tegaderm to one side of my Nav adhesive by Day 3. I’ve only lost one this year due to the tape coming up, but I would love to see them go to the same tape as Dex.

Otherwise, I have been nothing but happy with my Nav. I have liked that the sensor doesn’t go in as deep, but you make a good point that it could slip out more easily. I haven’t had that problem with the CGM, but it’s the exact same way I feel about my Omnipod. I want a longer cannula.

I just started with Dex and my first sensor on Saturday night. It’s been good so far. I’m glad i read all your comments. It’s made me feel good about my decision to go with the CMG. I never really considered any other manufacturer as an Animas pump wearer, I’m hoping in a few short years they’ll have the two of them talking.

can I use the DexCom with the mini med ? Is Dexcom connected
with Animas ?

You can use any CGMS with any pump. Currently, only the Minimed pump and Minimed CGM are integrated, but Animas and Omnipod have announced integration plans for the Dexcom in the future.

Range. The Dexcom handheld receiver and the sensor on your body need to be within about 10-15 feet of one another. The Navigator can be much further away, so if you prefer not wearing the device on your person, you won’t lose a signal if you walk too far from it - such as to the bathroom. I can leave my receiver in one location and go to other rooms without a gap in the data if I don’t want it clipped on my clothing.

Dexcom has been out for a couple years. So has the Minimed. The Nav was approved by the FDA in March of 2008.

Prices for all CGMS devices are similar, as far as I know.

Thanks, Melissa !

She’s pushing for the option that is most convenient for her regardless of what you may prefer! Reminds me of how docs often push MM pumps on their patients simply because it is what they know. My endo was understated about it but I could tell he was not comfortable with the idea of me getting the (now discontinued) Cozmo pump.

Your job (and mine) is to choose what you want most. Okay, okay, you like your doctor, that’s good. But medical care generally is only going to become more computerized over the years. I would be more sympathetic to your doc’s concern if I were reading multiple reports that Dexcom software is buggy or poorly designed (I have read that users tend to like Abbott’s software more but again I haven’t read that Dexcom’s is poorly implemented). As long as you can download info yourself and use it to your advantage, I guess your doc’s inability to deal won’t matter as long as you bring printouts. I strongly encourage you to ignore her concerns.

Since you have confirmed that CGM technology works in your body, I think you will really like either system. For people whose bodies work well with CGM sensors, it is really, really cool.

I can’t believe $100 for a sensor !

What type of battery does the Dex Reciever take and what is the life ?

it’s rechargeable.

Thanks, David ! How do you like the Ping Pump ?

It’s like your first love…you love it and never forget it. I’m very happy with the Ping/Dexcom combination. my nubers have never been better and I’m beginning why my BG does certain things with certain foods.

i just started the dexcom 7+ on saturday night, and so far i’m LOVING it. i did the minimed trial with my doctor and was not a fan of how the transmitter was flapping around on my skin. the nurse put on a shower patch and that felt weird as well. i like how the dexcom’s sensor has the adhesive much like my omnipod.

that being said, another huge plus for me was that there are talks of dexcom and omnipod integrating in the [hopefully] near future.

Thanks, David ! I am looking forward to someday getting both.
I just about had it with Medtronic.