Frequent Finger Testing and Calluses

Quick question to frequent testers out there....

I test between 6 and 10 times a day and only on fingers because they provide a more accurate reading. I usually will lotion my hands a few times a day using Aveeno primarily because of how often I have my hands in water (dishes, laundry, etc.) and Aveeno is the "bomb" lotion.

The lotion used to help with roughened skin on the fingers with all the testing but lately, not so much. What is your preference or solution to resolve the finger crisis? I've had to start testing on the far edges of the fingers which is somewhat more sensitive.

Thanks all.....

Rotate, use the edges of the fingers, maybe go lower on the fingers, Dr Bernstein recommended using the back side of the fingers, but mine aren't meaty enough to pull from (I wasn't successful at it). Also, a CGM might help you cut back on testing, but frankly with a CGM, I'm down to 6-10/day. :) One more thought....good quality and sharp lancets. I use them repeatedly because calluses aren't an issue/concern for me, but I'd wager that something like fairly fresh (used 1-5 times instead of 50) accu-check smart click lancets might be easier on the skin.

Thanks!... I do rotate but again, more sensitive. Not sure how to use the back side of the finger though may look into that one. I refuse to use anything like a CGM or pump and don't have any issue with the amount of testing. After 39 years, I'm pretty set in my ways.

My lancets are fresh, brand new and sharp out of the box. Problem didn't start until recently. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good lotion of something to remove the top layer of dead skin. Kind of like when you get a manicure or pedicure.

Eucerin makes a hand cream that's specific for hands. It only comes in small bottles, but it's really worth it. It's called intensive cream for hands or something--but you must get the one that says for hands, because some don't and that one's the best. It's thick but not greasy and it absorbs in minutes. When I used it a few times a day for a few days, my callouses all but disappeared.

PERFECT!! Thanks!! Will try that this weekend!!



Want to make sure I get the right one :)

When my fingerstick calluses get too hard top deal with, I'll test on the side of my hands, the side of the palm. It is close to as accurate as fingersticks and allows my fingers to soften back up.

Another thing to look at is are you using a fine needle on your lancet? I use that and gold bond lotion. Nancy

Well, I was (basically) laughed at here for my involved, OCD technique, but I have to say, my fingers are in great shape -- no callouses, "peppering", or loss of sensation -- after 15 years of diabetes.

I test on avg about 5x a day. Every time I do the follow:

  • Always use side of fingertip
  • Clean area thoroughly with alcohol swab (little individual packets you can buy at any pharmacy)
  • Dry with gauze pad
  • Prick finger, take sample
  • Clean excess blood and fingertip with same alcohol swab thoroughly, allow to air dry

Really, it's quite remarkable... you could never tell I ever prick my fingers and draw blood. Yet I do it 5x a day.

I keep supplies in my nightstand, a desk drawer at work, and in my diabetes travel kit in my laptop bag. I can complete a test in a minute or two, so it's not a big deal. Rarely, I have to do it without all the prep, but that's okay now and then.

I'll try the Eucerin. I test (even with my CGM) 10-15x a day (higher than that if I am driving around a lot) and my side of the palm days allow me to soften up. 30+ years with D, and I think 25 with home monitoring.

I can remember Gary Hall - Olympic Gold Medalist in Swimming mentioning times when he didn't have to do the fingerstick part - just squeeze and he got a sample!

wow really? never heard of anyone doing that! might have to check into that also thanks!

Um...just whatever lancets the pen uses but thanks. Will check that.

.lol Yikes
If it works for you, sounds great. Unfortunately, I just don't have the ability to provide that much attention with my job and such. Will keep it in mind though!

Okay so palm that as you are looking at your hand, palm up the side being the edge opposite the thumb?? Underneath the pinky?

Down the side of the pinkie. The heel of the thumb is good too, but hurts more. The pinkie side doesn't. I also never use alcohol wipes - dries out my skin. I use old fashioned soap and water - warm water helps get a better sample.

1st of all, ask yourself why are you testing yourself so often. I know when I have eaten something which I really should have eaten that I test myself about an hour after I have finnished eating. Then if I need to take medication again I test myself about an hour after taking the pill. there is no need for me to check to see whether I have low blood sugar - I feel it. Then there is the morning check and sometime the before bed check. OK you may say that I don't know what it is like to be a type 1 and you'll be right. But why don't you have a continuous checker? Anyway getting back to your fingers-you do have ten of them. I have a motnly plan - right hand fingers 1 month then the next the other hand. This gives enough tie for proper healing.

Not sure of your status however as a T1D with insensitivity, it is imperative to test often. I refuse to use a CGM/pump because I don't want something that has to be attached to me at all times. Regardless, I still see people who use a CGM still test often, even more often than I do and my doctor was the first to say that using a CGM does not mean you stop finger testing.

Doesn't matter what is being ingested or when. The response will NOT always be predictable. Several others reported low BGs out of the blue even after ingesting something like bread or cake. Because insulin is a hormone, it will vary in reaction to any number of factors. That is why "test and test often" is important. For T2Ds, this will be somewhat different and it sounds like you are T2D.

This is excellent advice thanks! I'm going to try this along with that Eucerin lotion. Never use the wipes either.

"Bag Balm" about once a week, at night before I go to bed. Works on feet as well - for feet lay it on thick and put on a pair of socks. For hands work it in but be aware your hands may be a bit slick, by morning they will be nice and soft and no longer greasy.