Thanks to everyone for your support, I appreciate it so much.
My COPD is really acting up today, feeling rotten, coughing much, breathing little. These are the days when I really need that support, as much as I need to go back and re-read my post and others'. I am a little frustrated over the fact that I really haven't lost any weight yet. I had lost about 4 pounds in the first 5 days, but have put it back on, took off 2, then put that back on. I retain water pretty bad and my feet and ankles are really swollen, so I know that's part of it. However, in the past, when I would "start a diet", I would lose 8-10 pounds the first week and a steady 2 pounds a week after that. I'm not sure why it's not coming off right now. I know I'm not getting a lot of activity, but I do hall-walk several times a day and make myself move around from chair to chair. Anyway, I'm staying in my carb level, staying around 1800 calories a day and my blood sugars are the best they've been since I started tracking. So, I'm doing everything I can and I just have to believe the weight will come off with time. So, onward and downward (pound-wise, that is).