I have a quick question, when you got your pump, how long was it before you actually had your “class” to learn how to use/ connect it? I got mine on Monday and I’ve been basically “blown off” by my doctor and Animas. I was supposed to have the trainer call me yesterday to set up a time today and it never happened. I’m getting a little frustrated with it and don’t know if I should call someone and see what the deal is… Should I relax and just let it go? Knowing that it will happen eventually?
Oh and I have the Animas Ping, if it makes a difference…
I would definitely follow up too. The first time I got a pump (animus 1200?), I actually met with a trainer and used a demo before I got it. When I upgraded, I was in a class with multiple people within days of getting the pump.
I got mine in a few days after the call that it was approved and then my Endo called me and my trainer called both on the same day to set up a time a week and a half later to start pumping. I started with insulin the first day. Sometimes they make you pump saline for a week until they are sure you can work all the buttons and such but I didn’t have any problems and made changes to my basals and carb ratios and insulin sensitivity settings the next day of course with my Endo’s numbers.
I’ve got a Medtronic pump, and Animas may be a bit different, but I got a video with my pump and a book that went through the basics. I learned how to set boluses, basal rates, etc. It was about three weeks between getting the pump and going to the appointment to actually start using the pump. I think it was time well spent…by the time I went for the appointment, I was pretty familiar with the pump and all I had to learn to do was the insertion and filling the reservoir.
I use an Animas 1250. I had it 3 days before I was jacked in and pumping Apidra. No trial period with distilled water, no class with an Animas rep. I spent 30 minutes with my CDE/PA and away I went.
If you’re smart enough to calculate your own insulin needs with shots, you should be smart enough to run a pump - once you understand how it works. So read the manual, watch the DVD, Read “Pumping Insulin” and be smart. Take the responsibility to know what the heck is going on with a pump. I wouldn’t count on a class imparting all the knowledge needed.
OK, guess I have to answer this, since I seem to be the only Quick around here
When I got my first Animas pump 4+ years ago they insisted I go through a training session with the area rep before using it on myself. Happened within a week of getting it shipped in. Very strict, but that may have been relaxed since then, or only apply with certain reps in certain places. Maybe just because I’m in Ohio, which tends to be fairly conservative.
Mind you, this seemed a bit silly to me at the time, since I’d already had 2 MiniMed pumps starting in 1993 before that, and the Animas 1250 has some features that MiniMeds didn’t have then, but all the basics are the same. Oh well. Now I’m looking forward to getting a Ping as soon as the red tape is taken care of.
Keep calling your trainer and endo, since you don’t have pumping experience and REALLY don’t want to get into problems for lack of basic information. It may well be of little use, but there IS a reasion Animas used to insist on it.