A few of us Type 1’s are getting together at Starbucks at 5385 Crooks Rd.at the Crooks exit off I-75 Troy, MI at 1pm on Sunday March 7th. Would love to have you join us! This is our first meeting but I know I’m excited about meeting others and sharing information face to face.
Had a great time this afternoon. A few of us met up informally over a cup of coffee, talked and shared information. It was great talking face to face with other T1’s, We are planning on doing it again in another month or so. If there is anyone else interested please let us know and we’ll keep you in the loop.
I’m sorry that I missed it. Can you let me know when the next one is?
I just saw this!!!
O.m.g I missed it
When is the next one???
Don’t know yet. Thinking sometime early April?? From the looks of it we should have around 7 people! Everyone, let us know if there are any definate “can’t do” dates and we’ll work from there.