Getting back to normal

Have been sick for 2wks now,hardly no voice. trying to get my bussiness back up again after being in the hospitol and then Hurricaine Sandy came through and then getting sick agian, did not know it was gonna be so hard to get back on track.Luckily have next week with no school, to get some work done[hoping the kids will cooperate].

I hope you feel better soon and get some work done. You will get back on track but don't neglect your health, that comes first.. We were hit by Sandy also which resulted in 7 days without power. I was just about to get sick I think and then our power came back. I did a lot of preparation, but I wasn't able to get a generator in time. Fortunately my neighbor had one and let me put my extra insulin in her fridge. I am thinking about getting a solar fridge for a true disaster now.