Getting Control of Diabetes with other Illnesses

Hi Terry4. I think you are right when you say that persistence pays so I am going to start a walking program starting today. I just got back from my first walk. I was able to go as far as I used to go before the surgery in 2013 because I went the same route I did back then. I started a diet for diabetic health today as well. I want to get back in shape from being in bed so long and that is a priority.
I felt good when I was done and walked for about an hour. I always have a sore back, hip and neck when I walk and I was afraid that not exercising for a while would make it worse but the pain was tolerable. I walked up some hills and through the woods on a path that follows a stream. It was cloudy and dreary, but I notice a lot of fragrance in the air and that was the best part of the walk. There was a lot of honeysuckle on all the bushes. I even got some pictures of them. How many days a week do you walk Terry4?

Well, I did start walking today. I had to get rid of my dog when I was sick. I could not walk him then. I miss himā€¦maybe I will get in good enough shape to get another large dog someday. For right now I have a cat I really love. When I was in bed I did yoga and had some weights. I exercised with them and maybe that is why I didnā€™t have too hard of a time starting to walk again today. I hope my insulin requirements go down like yours do. I am glad you are healed and can exercise again.

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I have only one complication and that is neuropathy. I have heard that walking will help keep that under control and lower BGs. My big problem is going out thinking that I need to do the same thing that I did before I got sickā€¦I am trying not to respond to that thinking.
Sometimes I feel like no one will understand me or believe me. I have so many health problems. I find that if I try I always make progress though sometimes it hurts. Diabetes is hard, especially now it seems like so many discount or donā€™t understand what we are going through. I am so happy to here that you are motivated about your diabetes complications. I really believe that exercise and a good diet can reverse some of the problems at least to some extent. I think at this stage of the game, fresh air, sunshine and exercise canā€™t help but make a difference both in the way we feel and with our health in the future.

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Thank you mee. It is nice to see that you are still here.

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Hi Marie. I am glad I made your day! It has been a long time.

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I can relate to having a ton of illnesses but I figure that none of them are life threating so I am thankful. It is just hard when all of them hit me on the same day! I am glad to hear that you overcame the health problems and are accepting new challenges! I am hoping the same thing happens to me.

I know exactly what you mean. RA is more of a rampant beast. I feel for people that have both RA and diabetes. It sounds difficult and your rightā€¦ I found that I faced some unbearable, ungodly and intense pain but now I am on the mend and just the fact that I made it through that pain makes it easier to deal with the diabetes for some reason. I found some ways to help pain like meditation, prayer, music and eating well that are now helping me get back on board with the diabetes care and control. The best thing about pain is when it ends but with chronic diseases sometimes the hardest part is dealing with the fact that they are never going to end. It is good to realize that we have some control over the progression of most diseases anyway.

I am going to have to check that yoga video out. I love yoga and you are right, some of us have to be really careful to be gentle with our bodies or pay the price.

Hey Trudy. I am glad to hear that walking works for you too. Are you free to get out and walk sometimes? I want to stop the highs tooā€¦ glad to see you are here at Tu still cuz we had a lot of fun in the old days didnā€™t we?

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Hey Jen I am sorry to hear you had to deal with some new issues. I am glad you are feeling good again. May you can help me take on new challenges too and to overcome the things that threaten to stop me. I am really in the mood to get in good shape again! I feel it.

Wow, 43 years, congratulations. I bet that all that you have done with your low A1C and your weight control and the exercise has a lot to do with the zero complications. You will be a good role model for me!

It sounds like the things you have been through have been really tough. I am supposed to get a surgery on my neck for severe spinal stenosis but I am holding out until I the symptoms from it worsen. That must have been hard for you to go through three back surgeries. I canā€™t imagine. I have hypothyroidism and I still have a hard time understanding it because it is so complicated but treating it right makes a big difference. It is a big factor in mental health for sure.
I am glad you are keeping up the good fight with success. It is not easy. I was thinking of getting a Fitbit too.

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Thanks everyone for sharing. I am not used to this format and I just got yelled at for by editing for replying to everyone separately, I will get used to things eventually. Anyway you all inspired me to start up the exercise again, especially walking and hopefully I will keep it up. I went for a walk this afternoon and it made me feel very happy. The woods was full of Honeysuckle so I took a picture for you!


Thanks! I should clarify that my exercise varies greatly. I try to workout up to 5 times a week but it can be as low as once a week. My work schedule makes it difficult to be consistent. My diet is what I believe is the secret that does the most benefit.

I try to walk seven days per week, but youā€™ve caught me today not walking at all. Every once in a while itā€™s nice to change things up but, if I miss more than a day of walking, it shows up in my blood sugar lines.

Glad to hear one of your first walks for exercise went so well. Ah, yes, I love the smell of spring!

Do you use a fitness tracker like Fitbit? I find following my steps and miles accumulation oddly motivating. They can also give you info on sleep quality.

@Lotsofshots. Yes, we did have fun on the original TuD site. At least we can still post here and read other folksā€™ interesting posts. Not the same though.

I agree, outdoor activity and appreciating nature we are so fortunate to experience. It is good for oneā€™s physical being but also for oneā€™s metal health! :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing! Beautiful photo of the honeysuckle! Iā€™m so glad you enjoyed your first walk. I sincerely hope you can keep it up. You obviously have access to some beautiful woods and what better way to appreciate them then to hike among them!! :slight_smile:

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Terry4, For my start I had to walk every other day until I get used to it. I have severe stenosis in my neck and yesterday I went to a neurologist who gave me medication and wanted to send me to a surgeon but I opted for physical therapy. I hope that it helps but I know that part of it involves walking. I will go on my 3rd walk today and I am making a photo diary with my phone each time I go.
I have been looking at the Fitbit. It seems expensive but my birthday is coming and I think it would help a lot. How do you know which one to buy? Which one do you have?
Yes, I love the weather. It is wet today but clearing. My summers are very hot and humid so now is prime. I have low Vitamin D according to my doctor so the sun will be good for me. I canā€™t wait to see my bgs change for the better.

Our summers are hot and often humid here in Western Australia. I walk very early morning then as it is cooler and so nice to be outside. Later I will be closeted inside with the blinds drawn and windows shut.