Hi everyone,
I have some questions… For over the past 10 years I have had really good control. Highest a1c in that time was 7.2. But now I have started having some really goofy side effects or complications to my diabetes. What I am wondering is there anyone out there that is also having these? First off, I was diagnosed 45 years ago (April 19, 1964). My parents made sure I followed my diet and exercised when I was a child then I went into nursing school and learned anything and everthing I could about this disease. So I took fairly good care of myself until I moved away from my hometown and then things went a little goofy for a couple years. I got angry about this disease and all of the restrictions I felt were being placed on my lifestyle.
Luckily this only lasted about 8 months but I was trying to eat correctly and not go overboard with coverage. Needless to say today I have a weird rash which according to the docs is from being diabetic for so long and it is not responding to the ointment I was given. I also have diabetic Matopathy. And a little neuropathy. ( both feet tingle when I elevate them at the end of the day)
My last 6 a1c’s have been 6.8 - 6.4 so I think I am doing well.
I do have hypo unawareness but with testing every 1-2 hours keeps me ahead of the eight ball.
My diabetes is from contracting the flu when I was in the fourth grade and about 2 months later I was sick again… This time they diagnosed diabetes.
Is anyone having “complications” after having the disease for a long time? Or am I the one with the extra gifts?
I do know that from test done a few years ago that I have a strong predisposition to be diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis which is another auto immune condition. My paternal grandmother and maternal aunt both had RA as did my father and my younger brother is now having this diagnosis confirmed everyday since he has been living in Cleveland. So what do all of you think? Should I get ready for weird stuff or am I just a worrisome person who is whining about nothing?
Thanks for any comments and ideas about this discussion…
Karen M. Pumping and loving life everyday
Hello, my name is Larry Fischer and I have had type 1 diabetes almost 28 yrs now. I just recently on X-mas eve almost Died when my Medtronic Pump shut down on me with NO warning whatsoever, and my Blood Sugar shot to over 1200mg/dl and my Son found me unconcious and saved my life for the 13th time! I had done Very well up to this point, but now they found internal bleeding. I had a colonoscopy and upper G.I. they still could not find out where the blood was coming from, so I had to swallow a “Pillcam” to cover the area “in between” where the camera’s don’t cover! still no finding of where the blood is coming from, no clear cut sign…But I now for some UNGODLY reason, have been diagnosed with “Celiac Sprue” there goes Bread,Crackers,and a LOT of other things. But with my LIFE TOOL of ASSESS,ADAPT, and OVERCOME, (Thank you U.S. Navy-Hoo-Ahh!) I will overcome this too! but it seem’s that everyday now is MORE of a Challenge than Yesterday!
I have lost 50 lbs, Not intentionally,and cannot seem to put any on and I am afraid I am going to lose so much that my Body is going to start to shut down organs pretty soon, my kidneys for the first time are giving me grief? But as my Wonderful Uncle taught me “Winners NEVER quit! and Quitters NEVER Win! and Larry I have Never known YOU to be a QUITTER! so keep on truckin…” My LOVE to ALL of YOU! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Dear Larry, Thank you for your response were you told when you were first diagnosed that even though you take good care of yourself some things may still go way wrong. I do not remember being told that at all so I was wondering if anyone else is seeing thing go goofy now we are heading into our chronologically gifted time… :-S
I wll add you to my prayer list and I hope they find out what is causing the bleeding. did you get the Medtronic problem fixed? I use the animas Pump and I have never had any major problems with them or the pump. I do hope things get solved soon.
smiling when things are gloomy keeps you from becoming overwhelmed.
Hey Karen,
After 45 years with Diabetes, I think you are in great condition! It does stink that you’ve been dealt some bad cards with the mastopathy and neuropathy; its hard to think that after trying as hard as you must to maintain good control, you can still run into complications. Unfortunately, an A1c thats good, like yours, is not telling the whole story. An A1c of 6 suggests an average blood sugar of 135… with someone thats not diabetic, the deviation from this value might be 20 or 30 points after meals and during fasting. With diabetics, the larger swings that we face in blood sugars contribute to some of the problems we face down the road. However, you have gone a long time and have what most people would consider only “minor” complications… neuropathy can be a real pain, but there is medication to alleviate it. Carefully watch your feet to make sure there are no lesions and you should be fine. The rash that you developed can also have to do with diabetes (although i don’t know how it would pertain to your length of time with D); diabetics can have weakened immune systems due to higher blood sugars, and the high sugars also provide a more nutrient rich environment for pathogens.
Good luck with everything,
I am experiencing the same thing. Retinopathy - 23 years ago or so - still able to drive, but many problems with my skin, scar tissue, etc. bgs all over the map every other day because I never know if my set is in a good place.
So sorry to hear of your complications. I have been T2 for 20+ years and I went into severe denial in 02/03. Well, it paid me back big time in November, 2003. The only complications I had before then was a mild case of tingly toes and some restless leg. But now I have a ton of pain, nominal feeling in the legs and no feeling in the feet. Life has been a pure bi**h since then.
I don’t know anything about the rashes being diagnosed in connection with diabetes, but I have been having trouble with them too. I just don’t report them all to my DR. And isn’t it a bi*ch when you feet start tingling a thrashing around just when you want to relax?
I have no answers for you. Just my empathy. With that and about $3.25, you can take it to a restaurant and have a cup of coffee!! (I don’t drink coffee so…is that how much coffee in a restaurant costs now?
Take care and keep your head up. I’m sure there are plenty of others around here who know more about things like that. I just want to get in my 2 cents worth and hope you crack a smile.
Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI
Unfortunately even the best control does not grantee no complications. Lets take a for instance. My mom had excellent control most of her life yet she only lived 22 years with Type 1 and suffered with nuropathy, kidney failure retonopathy and heart disease. Mom died of kidney disease, a turely awful death.
On the other hand I have been diabetic of 34 years, did nto take care of myself most of the time and have well functioning kidneys, eyes and heart. I do have nuropathey. I can only say it is a weird form of luck
I do have RA and type 1, it hurts like crazy and while both are autoimmune diseases, no otehr clear link exists. If youa re interested, .I will be delighted ot swap stories.
Rick Phillips
Congradulations on doing such a great job of taking care of yourself but as many have indicated there are no guarantees in this life. I do think that just having diabetes for a very long time really does open the door to complications. I don’t know what your rash is like but Larry mentioned Celiac and that usually causes severe gastrointestinal problems either with or without symptoms but there is also a form that affects the skin. You may want to ask your doctor about the rash and also about being tested for Celiac. You may also look celiac up on the internet and see if you may have any other suspicious symptoms. Not that we need to look for more problems but sometimes knowing what we have helps us to be able to treat it.
To everyone who has replied, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and tingly feet At least I know there are others out there who are experiencing weird and strange complications from this disease. I know that in my heart I am doing okay but you know sometimes I start asking my self why are you being so careful… It is weird but this week seems to be one of those weeks because no matter what I do with basal and bolusing I am having really long lows… Yesterday I had a 6 hour one and tonight I went through another 4 hours bout of blood sugars less than 60. I usually do not treat until I am 60 or lower because i have the rebound start the neverending high low swings which make living with myself ugly so i try reall hard to do the 15 gm every 15 minutes but after an hour I go for the 27 gm juice that we buy to treat bad lows in the middle of the night. Now the rashes are back and I am just feeling sorry for my self… But if I hear that others are dealing with the same stuff then I pick myslef up and dust myself off and start another day with a good sense that I am okay and I am not fighting this fight alone… You folks are my lifeline so I wish you a secret garden where all your troubles and not so fun times are disposed of so you can have a few moments of utter bliss.
Smiling gives everyone around something pleasant to look at and helps stop the poor me’s from overwhelming you…
Again thanks for the replies i love all of you and will keep everyone in my prayers as we get up and dust off after a day of battles… Karen